Discord bot simplifying channel administration
- Link for joining
- (optionally one of the steps)
- create security.properties file in src/main/java/.../resources
and add security.token=your token, security.owner=your owner id
P.S. you can change property file as name of properties by changing constants in BotConstant class.java - add token and owner id to the appropriate places in Bot.java
- !help - gets all commands with description
- !ban (@users) (reason) - Bans mentioned users for 1 day
- !clear (num) - deletes last num messages from char, if num not indicated deletes last 10
- !info (@user) - shows account info of mentioned user
- !join - joins to user's voice channel
- !kick (@users) (reason) - kickes mentioned users from the server
- !leave - leaves voice channel
- !mute - mutes mentioned users, optionally can be provided time of muting is seconds - !mute 10
- !muteAll - mutes all users in the voice channel, optionally can be provided time of muting is seconds - !mute 10
- !send (@users) (message) - sends message in private channel to mentioned users
- !sendAll (message) - sends message in private channel to all users in voice channel
- !unban (user) - unbans user
- !unmute (@users) - unmutes mentioned users
- !unmuteAll - unmutes all users in voice channel
If you got any problems please contact me: