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Solidity 0.8.X AST parsing and analysis in Rust.

Some legacy versions of Solidity are inherently supported (0.5.X-0.7.X), but the focus is primarily on Solidity 0.8.X and above.


cargo run --release -- \
  [--output_format=<plain_text|json>] \
  [--analyzer_name1] \
  [--analyzer_nameN] \
  [--todo_list] \
  [--contract_path=<Contract.sol>] \
  [--contract=<contract_name>] \
Option Description
--output_format=<plain_text|json> Specifies the report output format. Can be plain_text or json.
--analyzer_name Specifies an analyzer to enable (see below). All analyzers are enabled by default.
--todo_list Generates a TODO list for each contract's contents in Markdown format.
--contract_path=<Contract.sol> Specifies a Solidity source file to include in analysis.
--contract=<contract_name> Specifies a specific contract to include in analysis.
<project_directory> Specifies a precompiled project directory to include in analysis.

SolAST can parse and analyze the AST of individual Solidity contract files and precompiled projects.

For project-based analysis, SolAST requires utilization of one of the following build systems:

If you only have .sol files, you can create a quick truffle project by performing the following:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Create a directory for your project to be contained in with mkdir solidity-project
  3. Move into the newly-created project directory with cd solidity-project.
  4. Initialize a node module for the project with npm init -y.
  5. Initialize the truffle project with truffle init.
  6. Copy all of your .sol files into contracts/.
mkdir solidity-project
cd solidity-project
npm init -y
truffle init
cp ~/Downloads/awesome-contracts/*.sol contracts/

Use your favorite text editor to change the solc version in truffle-config.js to 0.8.13 (or the relevant 0.8.X).

module.exports = {
  networks: {},
  mocha: {},
  compilers: {
    solc: {
      version: "0.8.13",

Compile your truffle project with npm i && rm -rf build && truffle compile. You should have a build/contracts/ folder with *.json files inside of it afterwards.

Now you can supply the path to the truffle project directory to SolAST with the following:

cargo run --release -- /path/to/project/

If you would like to save text output to an out.txt file instead of printing to the terminal, use the following:

cargo run --release -- /path/to/project/ > out.txt

On the first run it may take a few minutes to optimize and compile, but subsequent runs will be quite fast in release mode.


WARNING: Any analyzer marked (WIP) may not display output or may provide false positives. This is to be expected, as the code has not been fully implemented yet. Please file an issue if you come across a false positive from an analyzer which is not marked (WIP).

Name Description
no_spdx_identifier Determines if a source file was compiled without a SPDX identifier specified.
floating_solidity_version Determines if a pragma directive specifies a floating/unlocked Sollidity version.
node_modules_imports Determines if an import directive attempts to locally import from the node_modules directory.
redundant_imports Determines if any import directives are redundant due to the specified path being already previously imported.
abstract_contracts Determines if a contract specifies an internal constructor without declaring the contract abstract.
large_literals Determines if an expression contains a large literal value, which may be difficult to read or interpretted incorrectly.
tight_variable_packing (WIP) Determines if a contract or structure contains loose variable packing which can be more efficiently packed in order to decrease the number of required storage slots.
redundant_getter_function Determines if a contract contains a function which returns a state variable instead of providing outside access to the state variable.
require_without_message Determines if a require statement does not contain a message string.
state_variable_shadowing Determines if a contract declares a local or state variable which shadows another state variable in the contract's inheritance hierarchy.
explicit_variable_return Determines if a function returns local variables explicitly over declaring and utilizing named return variables.
unused_return Determines if the values returned from a function call go unused.
storage_array_loop Determines if a loop's condition relies on the length member of an array state variable.
external_calls_in_loop Determines if any functions or modifiers contain any loops which performs calls to external functions.
check_effects_interactions Determines if any functions or modifiers ignore the Check Effects Interactions pattern.
secure_ether_transfer Determines if any functions or modifiers ignores the Secure Ether Transfer pattern.
safe_erc20_functions Determines if any functions or modifiers utilize unsafe ERC-20 functionality.
unchecked_erc20_transfer Determines if any functions or modifiers perform ERC-20 transfers without checking the value being transferred, which can revert if zero.
unpaid_payable_functions Determines if any functions or modifiers perform calls to payable functions without paying.
divide_before_multiply (WIP) Determines if any functions or modifiers perform multiplication on the result of a division, which can truncate.
comparison_utilization (WIP) Determines if an if statement's condition contains a comparison without utilizing either compared value in its true or false branches.
assignment_comparisons Determines if any conditional expressions contain assignments, i.e: require(owner = msg.sender);, if (releaseTime = block.timestamp), etc.
state_variable_mutability Determines if any state variables can be made constant or immutable.
unused_state_variables Determines if any state variables are unused within a contract.
ineffectual_statements Determines if any statements are ineffectual, i.e: balance[msg.sender];
inline_assembly Determines if any functions or modifiers contain inline Yul assembly usage and checks for arbitrary data passing.
unchecked_casting (WIP) Determines if a value expression is cast without checking its value beforehand, which can result it invalid values.
unnecessary_pragmas (WIP) Determines if any pragma directives are unnecessary for a specific Solidity version.
missing_return Determines if a function is missing an explicity return statement without assigning to a named return variable.
redundant_state_variable_access (WIP) Determines if any functions or modifiers access state variables multiple times without updating their value between each access.
redundant_comparisons (WIP) Determines if any comparisons are redundant, i.e: true != false, uint16(uint8(x)) < 256, etc.
assert_usage Determines if any functions or modifiers utilize assert(...), which should not be used in production.
selfdestruct_usage Determines if any functions or modifiers perform a selfdestruct.
unrestricted_setter_functions (WIP) Determines if any functions allow setting of state variable values without any access restriction or requirements.
manipulatable_balance_usage (WIP) Determines if any functions or modifiers contain balance usage which can potentially be manipulated, i.e: address(this).balance, IERC20(token).balance(), etc.
redundant_assignments (WIP) Determines if any functions or modifiers perform assignments which are redundant, i.e: (x, x) = getValues();
invalid_using_for_directives Determines if any using-for directives specify types which do not have functions provided by the specified library.
abi_encoding Determines if any functions or modifiers attempt to use abi.encodePacked on multiple arguments when any of are variably-sized arrays, which can result in hash collisions.


Solidity 0.8.X AST parsing and analysis in Rust.







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