----------------- Sign up ---------------- POST url: localhost:4000/users @Body - JSON { "email": "user@example.com", "password": "example", "name": "user example", "company": "US", "address": "HCM, VN", "phone": "0987654321", "signature": "fe$2487iugui3%78482y^331bv27371@", "type": "input.type" }
----------------- Login -----------------
POST url: localhost:4000/users/login @Body - JSON { "email": "user@example.com", "password": "example" }
----------------- Get user ---------------
GET url: localhost:4000/users/
@Header authorization: 'accessToken'
----------- Update ------------ @Header authorization: 'accessToken'
PUT url: localhost:4000/users/ @Body - JSON / ??? === có thể có hoặc k { "name": "user example", ??? "company": "US", ??? "address": "HCM, VN",??? "phone": "0987654321",??? "type": "input.type" ??? } hoặc nếu update password { "oldPassword": "example", ???? "password": "example1", ???? }
------------------------ Get list file of user ------------------------ @Header authorization: 'accessToken'
GET url: localhost:4000/files/ ----------------- Get 1 file by ID ---------------------
@Header authorization: 'accessToken'
GET url: localhost:4000/files/:id
----------------- CREATE 1 file---------------------
POST url: localhost:4000/files/ file -> bỏ vào form-data
@Header authorization: 'accessToken'
----------------- Delete 1 file by ID --------------------- DELETE url: localhost:4000/files/:id
------------------------ Get list payment of user ------------------------ @Header authorization: 'accessToken' GET url: localhost:4000/payments/
----------------- Get 1 file by ID ---------------------
@Header authorization: 'accessToken'
GET url: localhost:4000/payments/:id
----------------- CREATE 1 payment---------------------
POST url: localhost:4000/payments/
@Header authorization: 'accessToken' @Body { "amount": "100000", }
----------------- Delete 1 file by ID --------------------- DELETE url: localhost:4000/payments/:id
------------------------ Get list transactions ------------------------
GET url: localhost:4000/transactions/
----------------- Get 1 file by ID ---------------------
GET url: localhost:4000/transactions/:id
----------------- CREATE 1 payment---------------------
POST url: localhost:4000/transactions/ @Body { "sender": "user@example.com", "receiver": "user1@example.com", "fileId": "5fd8474fdc1a65a3660a3c71", "status": "something" }
----------------- Update transaction ------------------------
PUT url: localhost:4000/transactions/:id
@Body { "sender": "user@example.com", ?? "receiver": "user1@example.com", ?? "fileId": "something", ?? "status": "something" ?? }
----------------- Delete 1 transaction by ID --------------------- DELETE url: localhost:4000/transactions/:id