[2.2.0] - 2023-12-07
- d61331 - missing packages - @sbrunner
- 89657e - mini-css-extract-plugin and node-sass to the Webpack group - @sbrunner
- ea7772 - html-webpack-plugin to the webpack group - @sbrunner
- 7802cb - missing dependeny dashboard - @sbrunner
- 36b147 - End of support of version 2.0, update 2.1 Supported Until - @sbrunner
- 7b5ee8 - Disable upgrading the supported Python version - @sbrunner
- #296 - CI updates - @sbrunner
- b7671c - Pin the npm package, don't upgrade Bootstrap - @sbrunner
- 56608e - Use venv in audit workflow - @sbrunner
- af0b90 - Don't auto merge the major updates on Webpack dependencies - @sbrunner
- 84f73a - Group the Webpack dependencies - @sbrunner
- #255 - Upgrade SQLAlchemy to version 2, update CI - @sbrunner
- 72b031 - Prepare version 2.1.28 - @arnaud-morvan
- #242 - Deploy on pypi - @arnaud-morvan
- 406c9d - the Group the Webpack dependencies pattern - @sbrunner
- 83a2de - dependencyDashboard - @sbrunner
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