RGB Camera1:
- Red
- Green
- Blue
NIR Camera2:
- Red
- Green
- Nir
multispectral Camera 3:
- Red
- Green
- Rededge
- Nir
For reasons of spatial resolution and that the cameras did not all capture exactly the same area, two stacks were created (see Code GetChannel.ipynb). These were brought to the same spatial resolution
- Red1, Green1, Blue1, NIR2, NDVI (calculated)2, Rededge 3
- Red1, Green1, Blue1, NIR3, NDVI (calculated)3, Rededge 3
2.1 Test and training data were recorded in QGIS (as points and polygons), which is important for model training and validation. (see Code Create_TestTrainData.ipynb)
2.2 The stacks have been cut to smaller areas where the clay is definitely visible on bare fields.
==> increase Saturation/contrast; decrease lightning
Create Classification based on OBIA, the stack and the collected training data (see Code OBIA.ipynb)
Validate the model with the collected test data using a confusion matrix and calculated indices. (see Code Validation.ipynb)
Apply the model to other areas and check with the eye whether the classification is successful. (see Code Model_Transfer.ipynb)