To view the website visit here.
This application provides a user-friendly platform to manage your furry friends. It caters to dog owners with puppies under 21 days old, a crucial period for monitoring their health.The Puppy Management System is a web application developed using Flask that helps users manage the health of their puppies. Users can register and log in to the system, add their puppies and their parents, and record daily health metrics such as temperature and weight. The system uses a Machine Learning (ML) model to analyze these metrics and determine if a puppy requires veterinary attention, monitoring, or is in good health.
- User Login/Registration: Securely creates accounts for managing puppy data.
- Puppy and Parent Information: Add details about your adorable puppies and their parents for reference.
- Daily Records: Add and Track your puppy's weight and temperature, essential health indicators.
- ML-Powered Health Assessment: A trained AI model analyzes daily records to determine your puppy's well-being, suggesting veterinary attention, monitoring, or reassurance based on the analysis.
Go to the folder where you have saved this project.
Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment:
On macOS and Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
On Windows:
Install dependencies from the requirements file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run this project, follow these steps:
Run the application:
Open your web browser and go to:
├── app/ # Application code
│ ├── static/ # Static files like CSS, JavaScript, images (optional)
│ ├── templates/ # HTML templates for rendering user interfaces
│ ├── # Initialization file
│ ├── # Data models for puppies, parents, records, etc.
│ ├── # Defines URL routes and application logic
│ ├── # Forms for user input (registration, etc.)
│ └── # Utility functions (optional)
├── ml/ # Machine Learning model files
│ └── model.pkl # Trained ML model (likely a pickle file)
├── venv/ # Virtual environment (recommended)
├── # Script to start the application server
├── requirements.txt # List of dependencies needed to run the project
└── # This file - project documentation
The ML models used to determine the health status of the puppies is trained using historical data of puppy health metrics. These models are located in ml/
This project is licensed under the Apache License. See the LICENSE file for details.