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VMI-Unpack - A Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) based generic unpacker.


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VMI-Unpack is a virtual machine introspection (VMI) based generic unpacker. Its design is inspired by projects like Ether and DRAKVUF.

VMI-Unpack is intended for reverse engineering binaries that are obfuscated with a technique known as packing. Unlike Ether, VMI-Unpack leverages actively maintained projects like libVMI and rekall. Compared to Ether, which has been stuck supporting only Xen 4.3 for over a decade, VMI-Unpack should be significantly easier to maintain and extend.

VMI-Unpack is also MIT licensed so everyone can use and modify it.


VMI-Unpack currently works under the following conditions:


  • Xen

Host OS:

  • Linux

Virtual Machine OS:

  • Windows
  • Linux (currently unstable)

Paging Modes:

  • IA32E


VMI-Unpack depends on libVMI, rekall and volatility, so these must be installed and configured first along with a compatible hypervisor. You must also install the libVMI Python bindings and add the address space module to volatility. You will also have to make a libVMI configuration and rekall JSON profile for the virtual machine you wish to perform unpacking on. Refer to respective projects for more details.

VMI-Unpack additionally depends on the glib-2.0, json-glib-1.0, openssl, and the standard build utilities. The following is an example of how to install these dependencies on Debian using apt:

sudo apt install build-essential libglib2.0-dev libjson-glib-dev libssl-dev

For running unit tests, CUnit is also required:

sudo apt install libcunit1-dev

Once all the dependencies are installed, simply download or clone this repository and run make.

The following subsections provide example steps for installing libVMI, libVMI Python and Volatility with libVMI plugin for Debian-like systems.

sudo apt install cmake flex bison libglib2.0-dev libvirt-dev libjson-c-dev libyajl-dev
git clone
cd libvmi
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
sudo apt install volatility
git clone libvmi-python
cd libvmi-python
python build
sudo python install
sudo cp volatility/ /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/volatility/plugins/addrspaces/


./bin/unpack [options]

Required arguments:
    -d <domain_name>         Name of VM to unpack from.
    -r <rekall_file>         Path to rekall file.
    -e <vol_bin>             Path to Volatility executable.
    -v <vol_profile>         Volatility profile to use.
    -o <output_dir>          Directory to dump layers into.

One of the following must be provided:
    -p <pid>                 Unpack process with provided PID.
    -n <process_name>        Unpack process with provided name.

Optional arguments:
    -f                       Also follow children created by target process.
    -l                       Monitor library, heap and stack pages. By default, these are ignored.


Every time the target process writes data to a page and then executes it, a full memory dump will be taken for that process' user space. This is done by invoking volatility's vaddump and vadinfo modules on the process. Currently, the result is a series of *.dmp files containing the raw data from each memory area, a JSON file describing these VADs and two log files containing volatility's stdout and stderr (one for vaddump, one for vadinfo). This is subject to change in the future as development continues.


For users that wish to unpack many programs in an automated fashion, this project provides basic server and client agents under the agent/ directory. The following subsections explain how to setup and use this agent. The process is similar to setting up a Cuckoo Sandbox environment.

Before You Begin

Before setting up the agent, you should first make sure you can compile and run VMI-Unpack manually. This will ensure that problems you encounter are specific to the agent setup and not libVMI, Xen, etc.

Preparing the Host

The provided server agent is designed for Xen running on a Linux host and makes use of the following programs:

  • libvirt

  • qemu-img

  • python (2.x or 3.x)

These should be installed on your host before continuing.

Next, you need to create a configuration so the agent knows which virtual machine to use and where the relevant files are located. See agent/example.conf for a commented example. The xml_conf should be a libvirt configuration. The easiest way to create one is to define a VM using virsh and then dump the XML. Note that the agent currently only supports using a single guest VM and its main storage file must be a QCOW2.

The host is now ready.

Preparing the Guest

To prepare the guest, simply install python (tested with version 2.x), copy over the script agent/, and configure the guest to run it at start-up. For example, on Windows you can place in the user's start-up directory.

Upon running, the client agent will try to connect to the default gateway to retrieve samples. Therefore, this is the interface the server agent should be configured to bind to (host_ip in agent/example.conf).

Unlike Cuckoo, you do not need a snapshot to use this agent. Once configured, the guest VM should be powered off.

Running Samples

See agent/ for usage:

Usage: [OPTIONS]

  Main method

  -c, --conf FILENAME            Path to configuration (default:
  -l, --log-level INTEGER RANGE  Logging level (10: Debug, 20: Info, 30:
                                 Warning, 40: Error, 50: Critical) (default:
  --dry-run                      Show commands that would run (logged at debug
                                 level) instead of actually running them
  -o, --outdir PATH              Path to store all output data and logs
  -s, --sample PATH              Path to sample file or directory of files to
                                 unpack  [required]
  --help                         Show this message and exit.

Producing Runnable Binaries

VMI-Unpack now has an experimental post-processing step to turn its outputs into working, runnable PE executables. For more details, see the extra documentation.


VMI-Unpack - A Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) based generic unpacker.







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