1. Bubble Sort | 2. Selection Sort | 3. Insert Sort |
4. Shell Sort | 5. Heap Sort | 6. Quick Sort |
The sorting algorithms visualization project which contains 6 different algorithms. In the chart the red rectangle is the larger number and the yellow and orange is smaller number
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insert Sort
- Shell Sort
- Heap Sort
- Quick Sort
- iOS 13.0+
- SwiftUI
Clone the project and run in your local workstation.
- Bubble Sort
/// BubbleSort:Time Complexity----O(n^2)
struct BubbleSort: SortType {
var timeComplexity: String = "O(n^2)"
var name: String = "BubbleSort"
func sort(items: [RectData]) -> [SwapData] {
var list = items
var swaps = [SwapData]()
for i in 0..<list.count {
var j = list.count - 1
while j > i {
if list[j - 1] > list[j] { //If the previous one bigger than next value, exchange the position
let temp = list[j]
list[j] = list[j - 1]
list[j - 1] = temp
swaps.append(SwapData(fromIndex: j-1, toIndex: j))
j = j - 1
return swaps
- Insert Sort
/// InsertSort : Time Complexity - O(n^2)
struct InsertSort: SortType{
var timeComplexity: String = "O(n^2)"
var name: String = "Insert Sort"
func sort(items: [RectData]) -> [SwapData] {
var swaps = [SwapData]()
var list = items
for i in 1..<list.count {
//print("The \(i) round insertion:")
//print("The chosen value is :\(list[i].value)")
var j = i
while j > 0 { //Loop through the list then insert the value.
if list[j] < list[j - 1] {
let temp = list[j]
list[j] = list[j-1]
list[j-1] = temp
swaps.append(SwapData(fromIndex: j-1, toIndex: j))
j = j - 1
} else {
print("The position is :\(j)")
print("This round is finished, the results are:\n\(list.map{$0.value})\n")
return swaps
- Selection Sort
/// SimpleSelection Sort : Time Complexity - O(n^2)
struct SimpleSelectionSort: SortType {
var timeComplexity: String = "O(n^2)"
var name: String = "SelectionSort"
var swaps = [SwapData]()
mutating func sort(items: [RectData]) -> [SwapData] {
//print("Simple Selection Sort")
var list = items
for i in 0..<list.count {
print("The \(i+1) round choose, the rang is between \(i) to \(list.count)")
var j = i + 1
var minValue = list[i]
var minIndex = i
//To find the minmium value
while j < list.count {
if minValue > list[j] {
minValue = list[j]
minIndex = j
j = j + 1
print("In the second half unoder list, the minimium value is \(minValue.value), index = \(minIndex)")
if minIndex != i {
print("\(minValue) and \(list[i].value) exchange the position")
let temp = list[i]
list[i] = list[minIndex]
list[minIndex] = temp
swaps.append(SwapData(fromIndex: minIndex, toIndex: i))
print("The result of this round is : \(list.map{$0.value})\n")
return swaps
- Heap Sort
/// Heap Sort : Time Complexity - (O(nlogn))
struct HeapSort: SortType {
var timeComplexity: String = "O(nlogn)"
var name: String = "HeapSort"
var swaps = [SwapData]()
mutating func sort(items: [RectData]) -> [SwapData] {
var list = items
var endIndex = items.count - 1
heapCreate(items: &list)
print("Oringinal List:\(list.map {$0.value})")
while endIndex >= 0 {
print("list[0]:\(list[0].value) swap with list[\(endIndex)]:\(list[endIndex].value)")
let temp = list[0]
list[0] = list[endIndex]
list[endIndex] = temp
swaps.append(SwapData(fromIndex: endIndex, toIndex: 0))
endIndex -= 1 //Reduce the range of the heap
//After change the position, adjust the heap and create the new heap.
heapAdjast(items: &list, startIndex: 0,endIndex: endIndex + 1)
print("After adjust :\(list.map {$0.value})\n")
return swaps
mutating func heapCreate(items: inout [RectData]) {
var i = items.count
while i > 0 {
heapAdjast(items: &items, startIndex: i - 1, endIndex:items.count )
i -= 1
mutating func heapAdjast(items: inout [RectData], startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int) {
let temp = items[startIndex]
var fatherIndex = startIndex + 1 //Father index
var maxChildIndex = 2 * fatherIndex //Left children's index
while maxChildIndex <= endIndex {
//Compare left and right children and find the child with the greater value
if maxChildIndex < endIndex && items[maxChildIndex-1] < items[maxChildIndex] {
maxChildIndex = maxChildIndex + 1
//If the branch node is greater than root, set the value to the root.
if temp < items[maxChildIndex-1] {
items[fatherIndex-1] = items[maxChildIndex-1]
swaps.append(SwapData(fromIndex: fatherIndex-1, toIndex: maxChildIndex-1))
} else {
fatherIndex = maxChildIndex
maxChildIndex = 2 * fatherIndex
items[fatherIndex-1] = temp
- Shell Sort
///ShellSort:Time Complexity - O(n^(3/2))
struct ShellSort: SortType {
var timeComplexity: String = "O(n^(3/2))"
var name: String = "ShellSort"
func sort(items: [RectData]) -> [SwapData] {
var swaps = [SwapData]()
//print("ShellSort begin")
var list = items
var step: Int = list.count / 2
while step > 0 {
print("Start the insert and the step is \(step):")
for i in 0..<list.count {
var j = i + step
while j >= step && j < list.count {
if list[j] < list[j - step] {
let temp = list[j]
list[j] = list[j-step]
list[j-step] = temp
swaps.append(SwapData(fromIndex: j-step, toIndex: j))
j = j - step
} else {
print("The step of \(step) sorting end.")
print("This round result is: \(list.map{$0.value})\n")
step = step / 2 //Reduce the step
return swaps
- Quick Sort
/// Quick Sort - Time Complexity O(nlogn)
struct QuickSort: SortType {
var timeComplexity: String = "O(nlogn)"
var name: String = "QuickSort"
var swaps = [SwapData]()
mutating func sort(items: [RectData]) -> [SwapData] {
var list = items
//print("Start Quick Sort")
quickSort(list: &list, low: 0, high: list.count-1)
//print("End of Quick Sort")
return swaps
private mutating func quickSort(list: inout Array<RectData>, low: Int, high: Int) {
if low < high {
let mid = partition(list: &list, low: low, high: high)
quickSort(list: &list, low: low, high: mid - 1)
quickSort(list: &list, low: mid + 1, high: high)
private mutating func partition(list: inout Array<RectData>, low: Int, high: Int) -> Int {
var low = low
var high = high
let temp = list[low]
while low < high {
while low < high && list[high] >= temp {
high -= 1
list[low] = list[high]
swaps.append(SwapData(fromIndex: low, toIndex: high))
while low < high && list[low] <= temp {
low += 1
list[high] = list[low]
swaps.append(SwapData(fromIndex: high, toIndex: low))
list[low] = temp
return low
- This project was inspired by Instagram - Haipp
- Zelu Li - Github
Created by @Hung-Chun, Tsai (Carter) - feel free to contact me!