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Using the C API with Rust

Eduardo Bart edited this page Jan 23, 2025 · 5 revisions


Before trying this example first make sure:

  • You have Cartesi Machine installed globally in your system.
  • You have linux.bin and rootfs.ext2 images available locally (you could copy them from your installation).
  • You have a Rust compiler.
  • You are using Cartesi Machine 0.19+ (contains the new C API, it's not released yet).


First we will generate C API bindings into using rust-bindgen, you can install it with:

cargo install bindgen-cli

Then we generate the bindings with the following the following command:

bindgen /usr/include/cartesi-machine/machine-c-api.h \
    -o \
    --no-layout-tests \
    --allowlist-item '^cm_.*' \
    --allowlist-item '^CM_.*' \
    --merge-extern-blocks \
    --no-doc-comments \
    --no-prepend-enum-name \

It should generate locally from machine-c-api.h header, make sure to use adjust the correct path for your cartesi machine headers.

Hello example

First make sure you have available in current directory. The following example boots a machine and prints a hello message:

use std::ffi::CString;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::ptr;

mod cartesi;

fn get_last_error_message() -> &'static str {
    return unsafe{CStr::from_ptr(cartesi::cm_get_last_error_message())}.to_str().unwrap();

fn main() {
    // Set machine configuration
    let config = CString::new(r#"{
        "dtb": {
            "entrypoint": "echo Hello from inside!"
        "flash_drive": [
            {"image_filename": "rootfs.ext2"}
        "ram": {
            "length": 134217728,
            "image_filename": "linux.bin"

    // Create a new machine
    let mut machine: *mut cartesi::cm_machine = ptr::null_mut();
    if unsafe { cartesi::cm_create_new(config.as_ptr(), ptr::null(), &mut machine) } != cartesi::CM_ERROR_OK {
        panic!("failed to create machine: {}", get_last_error_message());

    // Run the machine
    let mut break_reason = cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_FAILED;
    if unsafe { cartesi::cm_run(machine, u64::MAX, &mut break_reason) } != cartesi::CM_ERROR_OK {
        panic!("failed to run machine: {}", get_last_error_message());

    // Print reason for run interruption
    match break_reason {
        cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_HALTED => println!("Halted"),
        cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_YIELDED_MANUALLY => println!("Yielded manually"),
        cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_YIELDED_AUTOMATICALLY => println!("Yielded automatically"),
        cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_YIELDED_SOFTLY => println!("Yielded softly"),
        cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_REACHED_TARGET_MCYCLE => println!("Reached target machine cycle"),
        cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_FAILED | _ => println!("Interpreter failed"),

    // Read and print machine cycles
    let mut mcycle: u64 = 0;
    if unsafe { cartesi::cm_read_reg(machine, cartesi::CM_REG_MCYCLE, &mut mcycle) } != cartesi::CM_ERROR_OK {
        panic!("failed to read machine cycle: {}", get_last_error_message());
    println!("Cycles: {}", mcycle);

    // Cleanup and exit
    unsafe { cartesi::cm_delete(machine) };

Compile and run with:

rustc -lcartesi

You should get the following output:

Hello from inside!
Cycles: 48985837

IO example

To perform input/output operations from inside a machine to the outside you can use the CMIO (Cartesi Machine IO) with its GIO (generic IO) interface, the following example demonstrates this:

use std::ffi::CString;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::ptr;

mod cartesi;

fn get_last_error_message() -> &'static str {
    return unsafe{CStr::from_ptr(cartesi::cm_get_last_error_message())}.to_str().unwrap();

fn main() {
    // Set machine configuration
    let config = CString::new(r#"{
        "dtb": {
            "entrypoint": "echo '{\"domain\":16,\"id\":\"'$(echo -n Hello from inside! | hex --encode)'\"}' | rollup gio | grep -Eo '0x[0-9a-f]+' | tr -d '\n' | hex --decode; echo"
        "flash_drive": [
            {"image_filename": "rootfs.ext2"}
        "ram": {
            "length": 134217728,
            "image_filename": "linux.bin"

    // Create a new machine
    let mut machine: *mut cartesi::cm_machine = ptr::null_mut();
    if unsafe { cartesi::cm_create_new(config.as_ptr(), ptr::null(), &mut machine) } != cartesi::CM_ERROR_OK {
        panic!("failed to create machine: {}", get_last_error_message());

    // Run the machine
    if unsafe { cartesi::cm_run(machine, u64::MAX, ptr::null_mut()) } != cartesi::CM_ERROR_OK {
        panic!("failed to run machine: {}", get_last_error_message());

    // Receive GIO request
    let mut cmd: u8 = 0;
    let mut domain: u16 = 0;
    let mut request_data = [0u8; 1024];
    let mut length = request_data.len() as u64;
    if unsafe { cartesi::cm_receive_cmio_request(machine, &mut cmd, &mut domain, request_data.as_mut_ptr(), &mut length) } != cartesi::CM_ERROR_OK {
        panic!("failed to receive CMIO request: {}", get_last_error_message());
    if u32::from(cmd) != cartesi::CM_CMIO_YIELD_COMMAND_MANUAL || domain != 16 {
        panic!("unsupported CMIO request, expected GIO with domain=16");
    println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&request_data[..length as usize]));

    // Send GIO response
    let response_data = "Hello from outside!";
    if unsafe { cartesi::cm_send_cmio_response(machine, domain, response_data.as_ptr(), response_data.len() as u64) } != cartesi::CM_ERROR_OK {
        panic!("failed to send CMIO response: {}", get_last_error_message());

    // Resume the machine
    let mut break_reason = cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_FAILED;
    if unsafe { cartesi::cm_run(machine, u64::MAX, &mut break_reason) } != cartesi::CM_ERROR_OK {
        panic!("failed to resume machine: {}", get_last_error_message());

    // Print reason for run interruption
    match break_reason {
        cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_HALTED => println!("Halted"),
        cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_YIELDED_MANUALLY => println!("Yielded manually"),
        cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_YIELDED_AUTOMATICALLY => println!("Yielded automatically"),
        cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_YIELDED_SOFTLY => println!("Yielded softly"),
        cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_REACHED_TARGET_MCYCLE => println!("Reached target machine cycle"),
        cartesi::CM_BREAK_REASON_FAILED | _ => println!("Interpreter failed"),

    // Read and print machine cycles
    let mut mcycle: u64 = 0;
    if unsafe { cartesi::cm_read_reg(machine, cartesi::CM_REG_MCYCLE, &mut mcycle) } != cartesi::CM_ERROR_OK {
        panic!("failed to read machine cycle: {}", get_last_error_message());
    println!("Cycles: {}", mcycle);

    // Cleanup and exit
    unsafe { cartesi::cm_delete(machine) };

Compile and run with:

rustc -lcartesi

You should get the following output:

Hello from inside!
Hello from outside!
Cycles: 61800308

More information

For more information on how to use API please read the C API header, every function there is documented.