Template for getting started with the Neutralino.js and Aurelia2 framework to create portable desktop applications, packaged with dumberjs
NOTE: This is using Aurelia v2 , which is still in alpha stage!
You can find documentation for this version here
NOTE 2:* Compatibility may be an issue if you intend on supporting older versions of Windows. There is discussion regarding the use of the IE engine (MSHTML) versus Edge/Chromium (WebView2) versus Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) to render the application. Quote from one of the developers:
For Win32 [Windows] it's either MSHTML (aka IE), or EdgeHTML (since Windows 10), or Edge/Chromium .... I suggest to drop the support of MSHTML, since .... it does not match the expectations of a modern web developer.
.... For Windows that would mean using Edge/Chromium (if available), or falling back to EdgeHTML on Windows 10. On Windows 7 an error message should be displayed.
.... If at some point Edge/Chromium becomes the default in Windows 10 - we will drop the support of EdgeHTML.
- zserge 2020, webview/webview#305
Using EDGE makes part of the 2021 roadmap
This repo is base off of pmanu93/au-neutralino. Thanks pmanu93!
Install neu-cli:
npm i -g @neutralinojs/neu
Install dependencies:
npm i
To run the application you must build it first:
npm run build
Running neu build
will not successfully build the application! You must use the command above to correctly build and package the assets using gulp.js/dumberjs as well as move all the distribution files into their correct locations.
neu run
Neutralino configuration is done in the neutralino.config.json
The following settings must be left as-is in order for Neutralino, gulp.js and dumber.js to work correctly together. Do not change unless you know what you're doing! This includes their locations as well as the location of the Neutralinojs JavaScript library (file neutralino.js
You can enable the inspector by changing the value of enableinspector
in neutralino.config.json
For more information checkout Neutralino documentation
To create an executable for your application, you run:
neu update
This will create a bin
folder and download the binaries to build the executables. This step may not be necessary however you may receive an error when trying to build - which still may build successfully.
neu build
This will create/update the dist
folder with the executables for Linux, Windows and MacOS platforms with all application resources bundled into the res.neu
FOr more information about distribution checkout the Neutralino documenation Distribution