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CAS4 backend API


This repo refers to a GraphQL API written in Rust used for a project for the Context Aware System class at the University of Bologna.


You need:

Now you set up some env variables:

  • RUST_LOG: used by the logger.

  • DATABASE_URL: it can be in a DSN format such as host=localhost user=postgres password=password dbname=cas4 port=5432 or in a URL format such as postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/cas4.

  • JWT_SECRET: this must be secret because it is used to encrypt/decrypt JWT tokens.

  • ALLOWED_HOST: refers to the online host of the service (eg:

  • EXPO_ACCESS_TOKEN: used by the Expo API access.

  • UNREALSPEECH_TOKEN: used by Unrealspeech for text-to-speach API.

  • AUDIO_PATH: folder path where to store audios

After that you must copy the schema/init.sql file into the database.

Now just run the app

cargo run


Fortunately the deployment is automatized by the GitHub Action cd.yml which pushes the latest release version to a package.

A new version is released using

./scripts/release X.Y.Z

Now you just exec

docker pull

Or you can build a new image

docker build -t cas:latest .
docker run \
    -e RUST_LOG=... \
    -e DATABASE_URL=... \
    -e JWT_SECRET=... \
    -e ALLOWED_HOST=... \
    -e EXPO_ACCESS_TOKEN ... \

Or the Docker compose which puts up also the PostgreSQL locally.

docker compose up


If you do not want to use Docker or Docker compose directly, you can use a Kubernetes cluster like MiniKube and follow the istructions available at


An always updated documentation is available at this link.