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clifordsymack edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 7 revisions

You can use bot if you want to use in scripts.


You need to install schedule module to use the bot. You can install it with pip:

pip install schedule


usage: [-h] [--testnet] [--ssl] -P PORT -I STAT_PORT -S SERVER [-F FEE]
              [-L LIMIT] [-M MAXIMUM_PER_POOL] -W WALLET [--password PASSWORD]
              [-T PERIOD]

CashShuffle bot

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --testnet             Use Testnet
  --ssl                 enable ssl
  -P PORT, --port PORT  cashshuffle server port
  -I STAT_PORT, --stat-port STAT_PORT
                        cashshuffle statistics server port
  -S SERVER, --server SERVER
                        cashshuffle server port
  -F FEE, --fee FEE     fee value
  -L LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        minimal number of players to enter the pool
  -M MAXIMUM_PER_POOL, --maximum-per-pool MAXIMUM_PER_POOL
                        maximal number of players to support the pool
  -W WALLET, --wallet WALLET
  --password PASSWORD   wallet password
  -T PERIOD, --period PERIOD
                        period for checking the server in minutes


This bot is used to support shuffling. You choose standard electrum wallet to be a regular shuffling participant. You can specify the wallet file with -W parameter. Then you choose the server you want to support. You should specify server address (-S), port (-P) and statistics port (I). If server use ssl encryption use --ssl key to specify it. If your wallet is encrypted with password use ('--password') parameter to give bot access to the wallet. Yes it not looks safe to do it in a such way, but for now it is it.

Bot is supposed to check choosen server to find someone in the pool, who want to shuffle his coins. You can specify the minimal number of players to enter the pool (-L) and period for checking the pool (-T). If bot enters the pool it check for sufficient funds to assist the shuffling. It also use fresh address unused address for shuffling output and the input address as a change. If there is no funds to support shuffling bot skip this round.

You can try it on testnet first with --testnet key specified

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