Computational genomics has become a core toolkit in the study of biological systems at the molecular level. To run genomics workflows, a researcher needs access to advanced computer systems including compute, storage, memory, and networks to move and mine huge genomics datasets. The Cloud provides scalable compute solutions to run workflows. In this workshop, we will demonstrate how one can create a compute cluster in the Cloud using Kubernetes and run containerized genomics workflows. The Cloud workflows will include pulling high-throughput DNA datasets from the NCBI-SRA data repository, performing reference genome mapping of SRA RNAseq datasets, and building a gene co-expression network.
The Workshop:
We will cover the complete deployment life cycle that enables scientific workflows to be run in the cloud. This includes:
- Deployment/Access to a Kubernetes(K8s) cluster using Cisco Container Platform(CCP).
- Creating a persistent NFS server to store workflow data, then loading a Gene Expression Matrix(GEM) onto it.
- Pulling genomic data from the NCBI's SRA database.
- Deploying GEMmaker to create a Gene Expression Matrix
- Deploying Knowledge Independent Network Construction(KINC), a genomic workflow, to the K8s cloud.
- Downloading the resulting Gene Coexpression Network(GCN) from the NFS server, then visualizing the network.
There will also be presentations and talks on cutting edge technology and methodology!
Sessions 1 and 2 will be split up by a lunch break. Sessions do not overlap and have different concepts so try to stay for both!
The following software is necessary to participate in the demo:
- Cisco Container Platform CLI
- kubectl - Kubernetes CLI
- Nextflow - Workflow Manager
- Java
- Helm
To streamline the workshop, all software has been packaged into a virtual machine that has been replicated for each user.
An additional requirement is access to the kubernetes clusters that will be used for the workshop.
If you do not have your CCP cluster credentials(kubeconfig) and access to your personal VM, please let us know.
Navigate to the Praxis portal
Enter your credentials.
Select the class Running Scientific Workflows on Regional R&E Kubernetes Clusters Workshop
Select Learning at the upper right side of the menu bar.
Select the lab session Accessing the Cloud through c-Light CCP/IKS Cluster, when prompted start the live lab.
Once the Jupyter notebook is provisioned, select Terminal from the menu to access a Bash terminal from within your VM!
Finally, please clone this repo to a folder with persistent storage:
git clone ~/Desktop/classroom/myfiles/gpn-workshop
Download or copy/paste the kubeconfig you were provided to a file named config
Move the kubeconfig to your .kube folder:
mv config.yaml ~/.kube
chmod 600 ~/.kube/config
Confirm your cluster name:
kubectl config current-context
The output should match the name of your cluster.
You now have access to your K8s cluster!
Issue an API call to view current pods(containers) that are deployed:
kubectl get pods
Now it is time to provision a NFS server to store workflow data. We will streamline this process by using Helm. Helm is a kubernetes package manager!
Install Helm:
tar -xvf helm-v3.6.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo cp linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin
Add the stable
helm repo add stable
Update Helm's repositories(similar to apt-get update)
helm repo update
Next, install a NFS provisioner onto the K8s cluster to permit dynamic provisoning for 50Gb of persistent data:
Only one person per cluster should run this command:
helm install kf stable/nfs-server-provisioner \
Check that the nfs
storage class exists:
kubectl get sc
Next, deploy a 50Gb Persistant Volume Claim(PVC) to the cluster:
cd ~/Desktop/classroom/myfiles/gpn-workshop
Edit the file with nano task-pv-claim.yaml
and enter your name for your own PVC!
name: task-pv-claim-<YOUR_NAME>
kubectl create -f task-pv-claim.yaml
Check that the PVC was deployed successfully:
kubectl get pvc
Give Nextflow the necessary permissions to deploy jobs to your K8s cluster:
kubectl create rolebinding default-edit --clusterrole=edit --serviceaccount=default:default
kubectl create rolebinding default-view --clusterrole=view --serviceaccount=default:default
Finally, login to the PVC to get a shell, enabling you to view and manage files:
nextflow kuberun login -v task-pv-claim-<YOUR_NAME>
Take note of the pod that gets deployed, use the name when you see <POD_NAME>
This tab is now on your cluster's persistent filesystem.
To continue, open a new tab with File -> New -> Terminal
On your local VM....
Go to the repo:
cd ~/Desktop/classroom/myfiles/gpn-workshop
Edit the file sra-tools.yaml
name: sra-tools-<YOUR_NAME>
app: sra-tools-<YOUR_NAME>
- name: sra-tools-<YOUR_NAME>
claimName: task-pv-claim-<YOUR_NAME> # Enter valid PVC
Deploy the sra-tools container:
kubectl create -f sra-tools.yaml
Get the name of your pod:
kubectl get pods
Get a Bash session inside your pod:
kubectl exec -ti sra-tools-<YOUR_NAME> -- /bin/bash
Once inside the pod, navigate to the persistent directory /workspace
cd /workspace
Make a folder and enter:
mkdir -p /workspace/sra-data-<YOUR_NAME> && cd /workspace/sra-data-<YOUR_NAME>
Initialize SRA-Tools:
printf '/LIBS/GUID = "%s"\n' 'uuidgen' > /root/.ncbi/user-settings.mkfg
Pull the sequence: prefetch SRR5139429
Then, uncompress and splint into forward and reverse reads:
fasterq-dump --split-files SRR5139429/SRR5139429.sra
While the file is downloading, create another new tab.
On your local VM....
Edit the file ~/Desktop/classroom/myfiles/gpn-workshop/nextflow.config.gemmaker
profiles {
k8s {
k8s {
workDir = "/workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/work"
launchDir = "/workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>"
params {
outdir = "/workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/output"
On the cluster....
Create a folder for your workflow and input:
mkdir -p /workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/input && cd /workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/input
Make a file in the same folder called SRAs.txt
with the SRA IDs of 3 Arabidopsis samples:
cat > /workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/input/SRA_IDs.txt << EOL
Make sure it is formatted correctly!
# cat /workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/input/SRA_IDs.txt
On your local VM....
Edit the file hicn-client.yaml
name: hicn-<YOUR_NAME>
app: hicn-<YOUR_NAME>
- name: hicn-<YOUR_NAME>
claimName: task-pv-claim-<YOUR_NAME> # Enter valid PVC
Deploy the Hybrid IDN container:
kubectl create -f hicn-client.yaml
Get a terminal:
kubectl exec -ti hicn-<YOUR_NAME> -- /bin/bash
Run the setup script:
Create a folder for your workflow and input:
mkdir -p /workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/input && cd /workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/input
Download the indexed Arabidopsis genomes:
higet -O 3702.tgz - http://hicn-http-proxy/3702.tgz -P b001
Untar and move:
tar -xvf 3702.tar && mv 3702/Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.kallisto.indexed .
On the cluster....
Navigate to your input directory:
cd /workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/input
Download the Arabidopsis genome for indexing:
On your local VM....
Go to the repo:
cd ~/Desktop/classroom/myfiles/gpn-workshop
Edit the file gemmaker.yaml
name: gm-<YOUR_NAME>
app: gm-<YOUR_NAME>
- name: gm-<YOUR_NAME>
args: [ "-c", "cd /workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/input && kallisto index -i /workspace/gm-<YOUR-NAME>/input/Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.kallisto.indexed Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.cdna.all.fa.gz" ]
claimName: task-pv-claim-<YOUR_NAME> # Enter valid PVC
Deploy the GEMMaker container to index the genome:
kubectl create -f gemmaker.yaml
The pod will run non-interactively, so just confirm it deploys and runs with kubectl get pods
Switch tabs
On your local VM's filesystem....
cd ~/Desktop/classroom/myfiles/gpn-workshop
Deploy GEMMaker with:
nextflow -C nextflow.config.gemmaker kuberun systemsgenetics/gemmaker -r dev -profile k8s -v task-pv-claim-<YOUR_NAME> --sras /workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/input/SRA_IDs.txt
If you followed steps 4a. or 4b. add the argument
--kallisto_index_path /workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/input/Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.kallisto.indexed
After the workflow has completed, switch tabs to your cluster's filesystem
To view the resulting GEM:
cat /workspace/gm-<YOUR_NAME>/output/GEMs/GEMmaker.GEM.TPM.txt
That is all for session 1!
Enjoy your lunch! :)
The following software is necessary to participate in the demo:
- helm
- Cisco Container Platform CLI
- kubectl - Kubernetes CLI
- Nextflow - Workflow Manager
- Java
- Files/scripts from this repo.
To streamline the workshop, all software has been packaged into a virtual machine that has been replicated for each user.
An additional requirement is access to the kubernetes clusters that will be used for the workshop.
If you do not have your CCP cluster credentials(kubeconfig) and access to your personal VM, please let us know.
Navigate to the Praxis portal
Enter your credentials.
Select the class Running Scientific Workflows on Regional R&E Kubernetes Clusters Workshop
Select Learning at the upper right side of the menu bar.
Select the lab session Making Gene Networks with KINC: GEMs to GCNs, when prompted start the live lab.
Once the Jupyter notebook is provisioned, select Terminal from the menu to access a Bash terminal from within your VM!
Finally, please clone this repo to a folder with persistent storage:
git clone ~/Desktop/classroom/myfiles/gpn-workshop
Download or copy/paste the kubeconfig you were provided to a file named config
Move the kubeconfig to your .kube folder:
mv config.yaml ~/.kube
chmod 600 ~/.kube/config
Confirm your cluster name:
kubectl config current-context
The output should match the name of your cluster.
You now have access to your K8s cluster!
Issue an API call to view current pods(containers) that are deployed:
kubectl get pods
If you were not present for the first session:
Check that the nfs
storage class exists:
kubectl get sc
Next, deploy a 50Gb Persistant Volume Claim(PVC) to the cluster:
cd ~/Desktop/classroom/myfiles/gpn-workshop
Edit the file and enter your name for your own PVC!
name: task-pv-claim-<YOUR_NAME>
kubectl create -f task-pv-claim.yaml
Check that the PVC was deployed successfully:
kubectl get pvc
To view and manage files on the cluster:
nextflow kuberun login -v task-pv-claim-<YOUR_NAME>
Take note of the pod that gets deployed, use the name when you see <POD_NAME>
To continue, open a new tab with File -> New -> Terminal
On your local VM....
Go to the repo:
cd ~/Desktop/classroom/myfiles/gpn-workshop
Edit the file nextflow.config
params {
input {
dir = "/workspace/gcn-<YOUR_NAME>/input"
emx_txt_files = "*.emx.txt"
emx_files = "*.emx"
ccm_files = "*.ccm"
cmx_files = "*.cmx"
output {
dir = "/workspace/gcn-<YOUR_NAME>/output"
Load the input data onto the PVC:
kubectl exec <POD_NAME> -- bash -c "mkdir -p /workspace/gcn-<YOUR_NAME>"
kubectl cp "input" "<POD_NAME>:/workspace/gcn-<YOUR_NAME>"
Deploy KINC using nextflow-kuberun
nextflow kuberun -C nextflow.config systemsgenetics/kinc-nf -v task-pv-claim-<YOUR_NAME>
The workflow should take about 10-15 minutes to execute.
Copy the output of KINC from the PVC to your VM:
cd ~/Desktop/classroom/myfiles/gpn-workshop
kubectl exec <POD_NAME> -- bash -c \
"for f in \$(find /workspace/gcn-<YOUR_NAME>/output/Yeast -type l); do cp --remove-destination \$(readlink \$f) \$f; done"
kubectl cp "<POD_NAME>:/workspace/gcn-<YOUR_NAME>/output/Yeast" "Yeast"
Open Cytoscape. (Applications -> Other -> Cytoscape)
Go to your desktop and open a file browsing window, navigate to the output folder:
cd ~/Desktop/classroom/myfiles/gpn-workshop/Yeast
Finally, drag the file Yeast.coexpnet.txt
from the file browser to Cytoscape!
The network should now be visualized!