This package is a collection of tools for advanced workspace manipulation and fitting using RooFit. Among others, it includes
- ExtendedMinimizer and ExtendedModel, advanced fitting tools originally designed by Stefan Gadatsch
- editws, workspace manipulation functions designed by Tim Adye.
- guessCorrelations, a helper script able to intelligently identify nuisance parameters when combining workspaces.
This package supports setup within RootCore and CMake based ASG releases as well as standalone compilation with ROOT.
In order to compile with CMake, type
mkdir build
cd build
make -j4
cd ..
Now, you are ready to use the package. Don't forget to
every time you create a new shell.
It is recommended to have python 2.7 or higher. scipy and scikit-image packages are required for plotting likelihood results.
First make sure you have pip installed
curl -o
and then install the packages by typing
pip install --user scipy
pip install --user scikit-image
A fitting font-end are provided in the form of a python script
which provides extensive help with the --help
command line option.
The results of likelihood scans obtained with this script can be plotted using
The results of individual fits (parameter pulls) can be with this script can be plotted using
There resulting files are .tex
files that encode the graphics using TikZ
and can be rendered with pdflatex
or xelatex
You can investigate log files with scripts/
This section includes some examples on how this package can be used to perform some common tasks.
Create job definitions with
python scripts/ --input workspace.root --fit --data asimovData --scan mu 100 0 5 --writeSubmit scan
Use some batch submission of your choice to submit the jobs defined in
After your jobs finish, plot a simple, 1D likelihood scan with
scripts/ -i red scans/*.txt -o my1dscan.tex --atlas Preliminary --poi mu
Create breakdown job definitions with
python scripts/ --input workspace.root --fit --data asimovData --breakdown "ATLAS_*" --breakdown "theo_*" --breakdown "gamma_*" --writeSubmit breakdown
This will group parameters together, one group per --breakdown
argument, and evaluate their combined influence of the POI(s) by
calculating the difference in quadrature between a fit with these
parameters set constant and the full fit.
If you are instead interested in evaluating a ranking by fixing the
nuisance parameters to their +/-1 sigma values and re-fitting to
evaluate the influence on the central value of the POI, you can use
the impact
mechanism. Similarly, you can create impact job
definitions with
python scripts/ --input workspace.root --fit --data asimovData --impacts "ATLAS_*" "theo_*" "gamma_*" --writeSubmit impacts
If you want to derive postfit impacts, you need to run in two steps like this:
python scripts/ -i workspace.root --data asimovData --poi mu --fit --write-workspace postfit.root
python scripts/ -i postfit.root --poi mu --data asimovData --impacts 'norm_bkg' 'gamma_stat_*' --writeSubmit impacts
Use some batch submission of your choice to submit the jobs defined in
If you don't have a batch system at hand, you can also just execute
these .txt
files as bash scripts to run the jobs sequentially on
your machine.
After your jobs finish, plot a full breakdown and impact plot including parameter pulls with
scripts/ -i red "breakdown/*nominal*.json" --impacts mu "breakdown/*.json" --range -2 2 --numbers --atlas True --output breakdown.tex
scripts/ -i red "impacts/*nominal*.json" --impacts mu "impacts/*.json" --range -2 2 --scaleimpacts 5 --numbers --atlas True --output impacts.tex
Once done, you can compile these files with pdflatex
to look at your plots.
As an example, you can try the pruning code on a Higgs 5XS
workspace. The directory
contains the 5XS
80ifb workspace (pre-fit and post-fit) and the corresponding hesse and
fitresults as root files. To test the pruning code, copy its contents
to test
. The first step would be to obtain the following inputs for
the pruning code, the postfit workspace, and the fitresult. If the
workspace contains more POIs than those that should be profiled, make sure
to specify only those that should be profiled.
You can skip this step for the example as they are already
python scripts/ --poi r_ggF r_VBF r_WH r_ZH r_ttH --input test/WS-Comb-5XS_80ifb.root --output test/WS-Comb-5XS.txt --workspace combWS --data combData --no-findSigma --hesse --writeResult --make-snapshots --write-workspace prune_test/WS-Comb-5XS_80ifb_postFit.root
To perform the prune run the
script. Running the
order_NPs script with --writeSubmit
options creates a txt file
whose lines split the rank-finding into multiple jobs.
python scripts/ --pois r_ggF,r_VBF,r_WH,r_ZH,r_ttH --fitResult test/WS-Comb-5XS_80ifb_fitresult.root --writeSubmit test/joblines_5XS.txt --jobTime 10 --output test/order_NPs.txt
This creates the joblines file test/joblines_5XS.txt
. You can run
these lines in parallel which will write out the nuisance parameters
and their ranks. Once all of them have finished, you will see the
ranks for the nuisance parameters witten in
. You can then run the pruning procedure with
the following line,
python scripts/ --input test/WS-Comb-5XS_80ifb_postFit.root --fitResult test/WS-Comb-5XS_80ifb_fitresult.root --pois r_ggF,r_VBF,r_WH,r_ZH,r_ttH --snapshot-name prune_combData_1pct --order test/order_*.txt --output test/WS-Comb-5XS_80ifb_postFit_prune.root --write-list test/pruned_NPs.txt
This creates a workspace WS-Comb-5XS_80ifb_postFit_prune.root
contain the snapshots prune_combData_1pct
that contains the nuisance
parameters identified for their respective thresholds set to 1% of max.
change in the hesse error of any POI. The snapshot can be loaded before
subsequent fits to fix the pruned nuisance parameters.