Mainly, it's because the original project maintainer doesn't have time to support the project. We wanted to keep the development going since this library became incompatible with FastAPI v0.99.0 release that introduced support for OpenAPI v3.1. While that was the main objective, this fork also offers other features such as:
- correct handling of 204 response status codes
- ability to select which services to export and naming strategies for generated methods
- support for non-ASCII characters
- support for x-body-name header (compatible with Connexion v3.x)
- ability to autoformat output with Prettier
Node.js library that generates Typescript clients based on the OpenAPI specification.
- Frontend ❤️ OpenAPI, but we do not want to use Java codegen in our builds
- Quick, lightweight, robust and framework-agnostic 🚀
- Supports generation of TypeScript clients
- Supports generations of Fetch, Node-Fetch, Axios, Angular and XHR http clients
- Supports OpenAPI specification v2.0 and v3.0 (v3.1 is partially supported)
- Supports JSON and YAML files for input
- Supports generation through CLI, Node.js and npx
- Supports tsc and @babel/plugin-transform-typescript
- Supports aborting of requests (cancelable promise pattern)
- Supports external references using json-schema-ref-parser
npm install @nicolas-chaulet/openapi-typescript-codegen --save-dev
yarn add -D @nicolas-chaulet/openapi-typescript-codegen
$ openapi --help
Usage: openapi [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-i, --input <value> OpenAPI specification, can be a path, url or string content (required)
-o, --output <value> Output directory (required)
-c, --client <value> HTTP client to generate [fetch, xhr, node, axios, angular] (default: "fetch")
--name <value> Custom client class name
--useOptions <value> Use options instead of arguments (default: false)
--useUnionTypes Use union types instead of enums
--exportCore <value> Write core files to disk (default: true)
--exportServices <value> Write services to disk [true, false, regexp] (default: true)
--exportModels <value> Write models to disk [true, false, regexp] (default: true)
--exportSchemas <value> Write schemas to disk (default: false)
--base <value> Manually set base in OpenAPI config instead of inferring from server value
--indent <value> Indentation options [4, 2, tab] (default: "4")
--postfixServices Service name postfix (default: "Service")
--postfixModels Model name postfix
--request <value> Path to custom request file
--useDateType <value> Output Date instead of string for the format "date-time" in the models (default: false)
--useOperationId <value> Use operation id to generate operation names (default: true)
-h, --help display help for command
$ openapi --input ./spec.json --output ./generated
$ openapi --input ./spec.json --output ./generated --client xhr
The original documentation can be found in the openapi-typescript-codegen/wiki