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Documentation for reverse-engineering third-party Grasshopper plugins, in native Grasshopper.

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Animal Disassembly

Sample reimplementations of third-party Grasshopper .NET plugin components using Grasshopper's native script components.

Using This Repository

The documentation for each component SampleComponent generally contains the decompiled output of SampleComponent SampleComponentDecompiled.cs, and the reimplementation for Grasshopper's C# Script Instance SampleComponent.cs.

The documentation's subsections cover atypical implementation issues, and are typically structured as such:

Implementation Issue


<code sample from decompilation>


<code sample from reimplementation>

Details of reimplementation may be written here, comparing the differences between the two and the changes made that resulted in the reimplementation.


In general, disassembling a plugin involves the following steps:

  1. Decompile the relevant grasshopper assembly .gha file(s), which are effectively .NET DLLs.
  2. In the class definition of the desired component, reimplement the SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess) method of the class in Grasshopper's native C# script component.

What follows is a general walkthrough of the above steps using Visual Studio 2022 and Pufferfish's BoundingRectangle component.

1. Decompilation

  1. Obtain a copy of the plugin .gha file (most plugins are available on Food4Rhino). This example will use the Pufferfish3-0.gha.
  2. Rename the .gha extension to .dll.
  3. Open Developer Powershell for VS 2022 and navigate to the directory where the .dll file is located.
  4. Enter ildasm.exe <filename>.dll.
    ildasm.exe Pufferfish3-0.dll
    If successful, the IL DASM UI should appear with a tree of the plugin's definitions.
  5. Identify the reference path of the desired component. In the case of Pufferfish's BoundingRectangle, its reference is Pufferfish.Components.Components_Curve._5_Curve.BoundingRectangle.
  6. Open Visual Studio 2022 and create a new C# project (whether it is a Console App or otherwie does not matter).
  7. Add a project reference using the Solution Explorer. Add the .dll file as a reference.
  8. In the project editor window, add an assembly reference using using.
    using Pufferfish;
  9. Enter code that references the desired class.
    Pufferfish.Components.Components_Curve._5_Curve.BoundingRectangle ...
  10. Open the context menu for the class (BoundingRectangle) and select Go To Implementation. If successful, Visual Studio 2022 will open another editor window with a decompiled definition of of the class.

2. Reimplementation

  1. Find the SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess) method defined within the class (with a void return type). This is the method that is called when Grasshopper executes a component.

    The IGH_DataAccess interface provides access to three main methods for getting component input data:
    IGH_DataAccess::GetData<T>(Int32, T)
    IGH_DataAccess::GetDataList<T>(Int32, List<T>)
    IGH_DataAccess::GetDataTree<T>(Int32, GH_Structure<T>)
    Note that methods for parameter access by name (replacing Int32 with String) exist too, but are rarely used.

    The IGH_DataAccess interface provides access to four main methods for setting component output data:
    IGH_DataAccess::SetData(Int32, Object)
    IGH_DataAccess::SetDataList<T>(Int32, IEnumerable)
    IGH_DataAccess::SetDataTree<T>(Int32, IGH_DataTree)
    IGH_DataAccess::SetDataTree<T>(Int32, IGH_Structure)
    Note that methods for parameter access by name (replacing Int32 with String) exist too, but are rarely used.

  2. Find all GetDataX<T>(Int32, Y<T>) calls in the method.

    • X corresponds to the type of access each input parameter has:
      X is nothing: Item Access
      X is List: List Access
      X is Tree: Tree Access
    • Int32 corresponds to the index of the input parameter. In BoundingRectangle:
      0: G
      1: Pl
      2: A
      3: S
      4: U
  3. Find all SetDataX(Int32, R) calls in the method.

    • Int32 corresponds to the index of the output parameter. In BoundingRectangle:
      0: B
      1: X
      2: Y
  4. Edit the input and output parameters of Rhino's C# Script Component to match each parameter referenced by the GetData and SetData methods respectively of SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess).

  5. Reimplement the class's SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess) method within the RunScript(...) method of the Script Component.

Reimplementation Details

The following section contains details for reimplementation that are generally applicable. For component-specific issues, refer to the subfolder containing the relevant component.

Data Access


    protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
        T t = default(T);
        DA.GetData<T>(0, t);
        List<U> list = new List<U>();
        DA.GetDataList<U>(1, list);
        GH_Structure<V> val = default(GH_Structure<V>);
        DA.GetDataTree<V>(2, val);


        DA.SetData(0, (object)val2);
        DA.SetDataList(1, (IEnumerable)list2);
        DA.SetDataTree(2, (IGH_Structure)val3);


  private void RunScript(T t, List<U> us, DataTree<V> vs, ref object A, ref object B, ref object C)
    List<U> list = us;
    DataTree<V> val = vs;


    A = a;
    B = b;
    C = c;

The SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess) method is called when Grasshopper executes a component.

The IGH_DataAccess interface provides access to three main methods for getting component input data:
GetData<T>(Int32, T)
GetDataList<T>(Int32, List<T>)
GetDataTree<T>(Int32, GH_Structure<T>)
Note that methods for parameter access by name (replacing Int32 with String) exist too, but are rarely used.

The IGH_DataAccess interface provides access to four main methods for setting component output data:
SetData(Int32, Object)
SetDataList<T>(Int32, IEnumerable)
SetDataTree<T>(Int32, IGH_DataTree)
SetDataTree<T>(Int32, IGH_Structure)
Note that methods for parameter access by name (replacing Int32 with String) exist too, but are rarely used.

In a GetDataX<T>(Int32, Y<T>) call:

  • X corresponds to the type of access each input parameter has:
    X is nothing: Item Access
    X is List: List Access
    X is Tree: Tree Access

  • Int32 corresponds to the index of the input parameter. In the above SampleComponent:
    0: A
    1: B
    2: C

The RunScript() method is called when Grasshopper executes its C# Script Component. The method's arguments can be set by editing the input and output parameters from the Grasshopper GUI.
In the reimplementation of SampleComponent above, the following parameters were set:

  • An item input of type hint T
  • A list input of type hint U
  • A tree input of type hint V
  • An output A*
  • An output B*
  • An output C*

* Note that the access type (item/list/tree) and data type cannot be set for the output. The output type is always object.

Each input and output corresponds to the inputs and outputs of the original SampleComponent.

Data Access Access Type Decompilation Reimplementation
Input Item T t = default(T);
DA.GetData<T>(0, t);
Input List List<U> list = new List<U>();
DA.GetDataList<U>(1, list);
List<U> list = us;
Input Tree GH_Structure<V> val = default(GH_Structure<V>);
DA.GetDataTree<V>(2, val);
DataTree<V> val = vs;
Output Item DA.SetData(0, (object)val2); A = a;
Output List DA.SetDataList(1, (IEnumerable)list2); B = b;
Output Tree DA.SetDataTree(2, (IGH_Structure)val3); C = c;

The item input t can be referenced directly in the reimplementation and thus no code is needed.

The list input us only needs to be assigned to a List<U> with the same variable name list as the decompilation.

Tree inputs in Grasshopper scripting components are represented with the DataTree class, a watered-down version of GH_Structure. For most cases the methods called on GH_Structure in a decompilation will work on DataTree too. If not, a new GH_Structure containing the items in DataTree needs to be constructed.


Documentation for reverse-engineering third-party Grasshopper plugins, in native Grasshopper.






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