Initialize the database based on the last migrations:
python db upgrade
python authorize_server "my-server-id" "My Server Name" "my-server-token"
Start up the development server in one console:
python runserver --port=8000
Run the following curl command in the console using a valid server token (configurable in to obtain a transfer code valid for 24 hours
curl -H "X-Server-Token: my-server-token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"user":"your-user-id","name":"your-user-name","email":"your-user-email","duration":7}' http://localhost:8000/transfers/
For example, create a random 10MB file:
cat /dev/random | head -c 10000000 > test.bin
Open a browser to localhost:8000
, then log in using your transfer code.
Add a sample and drop your file to upload the file in chunks of 1MB:
Create and active a new virtual environment:
$ virtualenv -p python2.7 .virtualenv
$ source .virtualenv/bin/active
Install the dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
After modifying the schema, create a new migration script:
$ python db migrate
Upgrade to the new version:
$ python db upgrade
Downgrade to the previous version:
$ python db downgrade
*Note: for OperationalErrors with SQLite when dropping or adding columns, please modify the migration script to use the following workaround:
with op.batch_alter_table("some_table") as batch_op:
# Add a column
batch_op.add_column(Column('foo', Integer))
# Drop a column