Firmware Dumper using DumprX Source Code Script. This workflows will let you dump in your own GitLab Account/Organization.
- GitLab Account: Setup your Access Token, and make a copy of your token name and the token key itself.
- Fork this repository.
- Go to Settings of the forked repository.
- Then go to Secrets and Variables, and tap Action in dropdown choices.
- Tap New Repository Secrets;
- Add this:
<paste here your token name>
- Then tap Add Secrets.
- Add this:
- Tap New Repository Secrets, again;
- Add this:
<paste here your access token>
- Then tap Add Secrets.
- Add this:
- Firmware that has split super image as part of ota/payload won't work.
- Blobs/files that size is over 100MB won't work, GitLab has limit per file size.
- If the file size is over 100MB, action will track it as GIT-LFS.
- Most oplus devices uses generic name "ossi" in build.prop of system, vendor and even in product partition, only odm partition has the right device model/name. If device dump end up having ossi name, don't get confused whether you made a wrong dump or not.