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CDAP Maven Plugin

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This Maven Plugin has 4 goals:

  • mvn cdap:create-plugin-json
    • Generates a CDAP Plugin JSON file
  • mvn cdap:create-plugin-spec-json
    • Generates a spec.json file
  • mvn cdap:package-artifacts-for-hub
    • Moves artifacts to a user specified output dir
    • Note: cannot be run alone
  • mvn cdap:create-pipeline-json
    • Extracts configuration from exported pipelines
    • Suitable for Hub

Maven Goals

  1. Create Plugin Json
  2. Create Plugin Spec JSON
  3. Move Artifact Files
  4. Extract Configuration From Exported Pipelines

Create Plugin Json

This goal generates the cdap plugin json file. The maven goal is create-plugin-json.

To run only the goal use:

mvn cdap:create-plugin-json

The generated file will be placed in the ${} directory.


Configuration Required Default Description
cdapArtifacts Y N/A Specifies all the parent CDAP artifacts and scope this plugin is applicable for.
widgetsDirectory N ${project.dir}/widgets Specifies alternate widgets directory.
docsDirectory N ${project.dir}/docs Specifies alternate documentation directory.
iconsDirectory N ${project.dir}/icons Specifies alternate icons directory.

Example POM



[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Trash Sink 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- cdap-maven-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:create-plugin-json (default-cli) @ trash-plugin ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Project              : Trash Sink
[INFO] Group ID             : co.cask
[INFO] Artifact ID          : trash-plugin
[INFO] Version              : 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Base Directory       : /Users/nitin/Work/Devel/plugin-json-test
[INFO] Build Directory      : /Users/nitin/Work/Devel/plugin-json-test/target
[INFO] Widgets Directory    : /Users/nitin/Work/Devel/plugin-json-test/widgets
[INFO] Docs Directory       : /Users/nitin/Work/Devel/plugin-json-test/docs
[INFO] CDAP Artifacts
[INFO]  system:cdap-data-pipeline[4.0.0,9.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
[INFO]  system:cdap-data-streams[4.0.0,9.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Successfully created  : trash-plugin-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.json
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1.026 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-03-19T03:21:38-07:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 13M/309M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create Plugin Spec JSON

This goal generates the spec.json file. The maven goal is create-plugin-spec-json

To run only the goal use:

mvn cdap:create-plugin-spec-json

The generated file will be placed in the ${} directory.


Configuration Required Default Description
isPipeline N false Specifies if Spec.json is for a pipeline.
actionType N one_step_deploy_plugin Specifies actionType - needs to be create_pipeline_draft if isPipeline true.
scope N user Artifact scope.
version N ${project.version} Artifact version.
cdapArtifacts Y N/A Specifies all the parent CDAP artifacts and scope this plugin is applicable for.
label N ${} Short description that will be displayed to users during the install process.
actionType Y one_step_deploy_plugin Action specification type.
description N ${project.description} Plugin description.
author N ${} Plugin author.
org N ${} Plugin author organisation.
categories N N/A List of Categories.
buildDirectory N ${} Target directory for the spec.json file.
artifactId N ${project.artifactId} Used to reference the config (json) file name.
additionalActionArguments N N/A List of key/value parameters to include in the Action.

NOTE: Categories affect the display of the HUB - please include at the bare minimum the team and type of item

Example POM

Including both create-plugin-json and create-plugin-spec-json goals

    <description>optional plugin description</description>

Including only create-plugin-spec-json goal




[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Project              : Adhoc SQL Plugin
[INFO] Group ID             : co.cask
[INFO] Artifact ID          : adhoc_sql
[INFO] Version              : 0.1.0
[INFO] Base Directory       : /Users/user1/code/cdap-plugins/lsh/misc/adhoc_sql
[INFO] Build Directory      : /Users/user1/code/cdap-plugins/lsh/misc/adhoc_sql/target
[INFO] Widgets Directory    : widgets
[INFO] Icons Directory      : icons
[INFO] Docs Directory       : docs
[INFO] CDAP Artifacts
[INFO]  system:cdap-data-pipeline[6.0.0-SNAPSHOT,9.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
[INFO]  system:cdap-data-streams[6.0.0-SNAPSHOT,9.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Successfully created  : adhoc_sql-0.1.0.json
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- cdap-maven-plugin:1.1.1-SNAPSHOT:create-plugin-spec-json (create-artifact-config) @ adhoc_sql ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] CDAP Plugin JSON - Spec Json creator
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] specVersion          : 0.1.0
[INFO] label                : Adhoc SQL Plugin
[INFO] description          : optional plugin description
[INFO] author               : LiveRamp
[INFO] org                  : LiveRamp
[INFO] created              : 1608720834834
[INFO] cdapVersion          : [6.0.0-SNAPSHOT,9.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
[INFO] action type          : one_step_deploy_plugin
[INFO] action label         : Adhoc SQL Plugin
[INFO] action arg name      : Adhoc SQL Plugin
[INFO] action arg version   : 0.1.0
[INFO] action arg scope     : user
[INFO] action arg config    : adhoc_sql-0.1.0.json
[INFO] action arg jar       : adhoc_sql-0.1.0.jar
[INFO] categories
[INFO]  cat1
[INFO]  cat2
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Successfully created: spec.json
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Move Artifact Files

This plugin aims to move built artifacts packages to a common user specified output directory in the format expected by a CDAP HUB and HUB packaging/publishing tools. The goal is useful in case you'd want to run CDAP publisher from that output directory.

The maven goal is package-artifacts-for-hub


Configuration Required Default Description
relativeOutputDir Y "${}/packages/" Specifies the Output Directory Relative to the module build directory

Example relativeOutputDir value : /../../../../packages/

Using Directory Maven Plugin

To simplify the relativeOutputDir value the directory-maven-plugin should be used in the parent Pom

Example of directory-maven-plugin plugin configuration to have in parent pom.xml


Using this simplifies relativeOutputDir value to ${parent_module.basedir}/packages.
If left to default value the output will be placed under the module build dir

Execution settings

The goal must be run after any pre-package goals specified. In order to do this the following execution settings need to be applied.


Example POM

    <description>optional plugin description</description>
    <!-- Using directory maven plugin -->


[INFO] --- cdap-maven-plugin:1.1.2-SNAPSHOT:package-artifacts-for-hub (move-artifacts) @ adhoc_sql ---
[INFO] Creating artifact output dir at: /Users/user1/code/cdap-plugins/lsh/misc/adhoc_sql/target/../../../../packages/adhoc_sql/0.1.0
[INFO] Copying adhoc_sql-0.1.0.jar to /Users/user1/code/cdap-plugins/lsh/misc/adhoc_sql/target/../../../../packages/adhoc_sql/0.1.0/adhoc_sql-0.1.0.jar
[INFO] Copying adhoc_sql-0.1.0.json to /Users/user1/code/cdap-plugins/lsh/misc/adhoc_sql/target/../../../../packages/adhoc_sql/0.1.0/adhoc_sql-0.1.0.json
[INFO] Copying spec.json to /Users/user1/code/cdap-plugins/lsh/misc/adhoc_sql/target/../../../../packages/adhoc_sql/0.1.0/spec.json

Packages moved to output directory:

- packages
  - artifact-A
    - 1.0.0
      - artifact-A-1.0.0.jar 
      - artifact-A-1.0.0.json
      - spec.json
  - artifact-B
    - 1.1.0
      - artifact-B-1.1.0.jar 
      - artifact-B-1.1.0.json
      - spec.json
      - icon.json [Optional]

Extract Configuration From Exported Pipelines

Maven goal to extract and rename an exported Pipeline JSON so that it is able to be published and consumed by a HUB

The goal is create-pipeline-json


Configuration Required Default Description
pipelineJsonFile Y "" Specifies the exported Json file

Note: The pipelineJsonFile value needs to be the full path hence using ${project.baseDir} will be needed.

E.g: ${project.basedir}/exported_jsonFile.json

If the path is not correct you will see a

[ERROR] exported_jsonFile.json

Example POM

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:xsi="" xmlns=""

  <name>Test Exported Pipeline</name>

    <!-- properties for script build step that creates the config files for the artifacts -->



A exported_pipeline.json file should be created in the specified path in pipelineJsonFile property.