python-gitlab is a Python package providing access to the GitLab server API.
It supports the v3 api of GitLab.
A CLI tool is also provided (called gitlab).
python-gitlab depends on:
pip install python-gitlab
python-gitlab is considered stable.
Please report bugs and feature requests at
Work In Progress:
Patches are welcome!
# See for the source.
from gitlab import Gitlab
# Register a connection to a gitlab instance, using its URL and a user private
# token
gl = Gitlab('', 'JVNSESs8EwWRx5yDxM5q')
# Connect to get the current user
# Print the user informations
# Get a list of projects
for p in gl.Project():
# get associated issues
issues = p.Issue()
for issue in issues:
closed = 0 if not issue.closed else 1
print(" %d => %s (closed: %d)" % (, issue.title, closed))
# and close them all
issue.state_event = "close"
# Get the first 10 groups (pagination)
for g in gl.Group(page=1, per_page=10):
# To use pagination and retrieve all the items
for g in gl.Group(all=True):
# Create a new project (as another_user)
p = gl.Project({'name': 'myCoolProject', 'wiki_enabled': False})"another_user")
To use the command line tool, you need to define which GitLab server(s) can be accessed. this can be done in 2 files:
- /etc/python-gitlab.cfg
- ~/.python-gitlab.cfg
Here's an example of the syntax:
# required setting
default = local
# optional settings
ssl_verify = true
timeout = 5
url =
# get the private token from the gitlab web interface
private_token = vTbFeqJYCY3sibBP7BZM
url =
private_token = thisisaprivatetoken
ssl_verify = false
The [global] section defines which server is accessed by default. Each other section defines how to access a server. Only private token authentication is supported (not user/password).
The ssl_verify
option defines if the server SSL certificate should be
validated (use false for self signed certificates, only useful with https).
The timeout
option defines after how many seconds a request to the Gitlab
server should be abandonned.
Choosing a different server than the default one can be done at run time:
gitlab --gitlab=remote [command]
gitlab always requires 2 mandatory arguments.
The first argument is the object type on which we will act, the second one is the action:
gitlab project list
Get help with:
# global help
gitlab --help
# object help
gitlab project --help
Some examples:
# list all the projects:
gitlab project list
# limit to 5 items per request, display the 1st page only
gitlab project list --page=1 --per-page=5
# get a specific project (id 2):
gitlab project get --id=2
# get a list of snippets for this project:
gitlab project-issue list --project-id=2
# delete a Snippet (id 3):
gitlab project-snippet delete --id=3 --project-id=2
# update a Snippet:
gitlab project-snippet update --id=4 --project-id=2 --code="My New Code"
# create a Snippet:
gitlab project-snippet create --project-id=2
Impossible to create object (Missing attribute(s): title, file-name, code)
# oops, let's add the attributes:
gitlab project-snippet create --project-id=2 --title="the title" --file-name="the name" --code="the code"