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UrIII Period (Sumerian Language) Information Extraction pipeline including, Named Entity Recognition, Part Of Speech Tagging and Machine Translation


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Translating the whole Ur III corpus (GSoC - 2020)

The project aims to translate and provide detailed information(POS tagging, Named Entity Recognation, English Translation) about 1.5M Raw Sumerian Text. The project aims to build a full translation pipeline, which will integrate NER (Named Entity Recognation), POS (Part of Speech Tagging) and machine translation of URIII Sumerian language, using Neural Network Techniques and Rule-Based approaches.

The tags/symbols(ORACC Version) for NER and POS can be observed from here -

Requirements - Python 3.5.2 or higher
- numPy
- pandas
- sklearn
- nltk
- sklearn_crfsuite
- matplotlib
- tqdm>=4.46.1
- keras
- tensorflow
- CRF keras (pip3 install git+
- click
- OpenNMT-py (to use Machine Translation Models)


  1. Himanshu Choudhary-- Developer
  2. Ravneet Punia--Mentor

Example image

Example image

Example image

Artifact Image Source


Clone the Repo
Install requirments and Download weights for the Machine Translation model
Run file with the ATF/txt input file, the results will be in ATF_OUTPUT folder
If you are using text file as input rather than ATF, set atf argument as False, the CDLI-conll files and atf output will not be generated in that case

git clone
cd Sumerian-Translation-Pipeline
pip3 install `cat requirments.txt`
wget -O Translation_Models/
python3 -i ATF_INPUT/demo.atf -o ATF_OUTPUT/

Backtranslation Model is set as default, to download other weights please check Translation_Models Repository

For the further reference of Machine Translation Models follow this link - Unsupervised-NMT-for-Sumerian-English
(If working on conda Environment install pytorch seperately to run Machine Translation models - conda install pytorch )


Run Sumerian Translation Pipeline to extract information about Sumerian Text using POS, NER and Machine Translation. Since some of the weights are already saved, so these models can be used directly without training.

usage: [-h] [-i INPUT]
                   [-p {POS_CRF,POS_HMM,POS_Bi_LSTM,POS_Bi_LSTM_CRF}]
                   [-n {NER_CRF,NER_Bi_LSTM,NER_Bi_LSTM_CRF}]
                   [-t {Transformer,Back_Translation,XLM,MASS}] [-o OUTPUT]
                   [-a ATF] [-g GPU] [-f FLAIR]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Location of the Input ATF File
                        POS Model to be used from ['POS_CRF','POS_HMM','POS_Bi_LSTM','POS_Bi_LSTM_CRF'] (Case sensitive)
                        NER Model to be used from ['NER_CRF','NER_Bi_LSTM','NER_Bi_LSTM_CRF'] (Case_sensitive)
  -t {Transformer,Back_Translation,XLM,MASS}, --trans {Transformer,Back_Translation,XLM,MASS}
                        Machine Translation Model to be used
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Location of output Directory
  -a ATF, --atf ATF     Use of Text file rather than ATF, set False if using text file as input                  
  -g GPU, --gpu GPU     Use of GPU if avaliable
  -f FLAIR, --flair FLAIR
                        Use of flair language model

Flask API and Docker

You can also use web API to use our pipeline, simply run file and copy paste the url on your web browser. ATF or TXT files can be uploaded and produce downloadable results as shown below.

Example image

To build a and use docker container follow this link -



1 Hidden Markov Model (POS_HMM)

No need to train. To evaluate/run use It calculates probability without saving weights.

$ Python3 POS_Models/POS_HMM/
  -i INPUT,     Location of the Input training file in the specific
                format (csv file with columns ID FORM XPOSTAG)

2. Conditional Random Field (CRF_Model)

Uses Sumerian Features, can be modified with the subject knowledge. Weights of CRF models are saved in Saved_Model. There are different files for sumerian POS features and sumerian NER features

$ Python3 {POS_Models/NER_Models}/{POS_CRF/NER_CRF}/
  -i INPUT,      Location of the Input training file in the specific
                 format (csv file with columns ID FORM XPOSTAG/NER)
  -o OUTPUT,     Location of the model weights to be saved

3. Bidirectional LSTM Neural Network (Bi_LSTM_Model)

Deep learning model, used word2vec/fasttext word-embeddings, weights are saved in .h5 format in Saved_Model.

$ Python3 {POS_Models/NER_Models}/POS_Bi_LSTM/
  -i INPUT,      Location of the Input training file in the specific
                 format (csv file with columns ID FORM XPOSTAG)
  -e EMBEDDING,  Location of sumerian word embeddings
  -o OUTPUT,     Location of model weights to be saved

4. Bidirectional LSTM Neural Network CRF (Bi_LSTM_CRF_Model)

Integrated Deep learning and conditional random field model, uses word2vec/fasttext word-embeddings, weights are saved in .h5 format in Saved_Model.

$ Python3 {POS_Models/NER_Models}/{POS_Bi_LSTM_CRF/NER_Bi_LSTM_CRF}/
  -i INPUT,      Location of the Input training file in the specific
                 format (csv file with columns ID FORM XPOSTAG)
  -e EMBEDDING,  Location of sumerian word embeddings
  -o OUTPUT,     Location of model weights to be saved


Since weights are saved, we can use all models directly for predictions.

$ Python3 {POS_Models/NER_Models}/{Choice from the above models}/
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Location of the Input text file to be predicted
  -s SAVED, --saved SAVED
                        Location of saved weights in .pkl or .h5 format
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Location of output text file(Result)

Any Model can be used for the predictions for any txt file. Here we used Dataset/sumerian_demo.txt as input file. which contains 150 random sentences from 1.5M sumerian text.


Flair is very simple framework for state-of-the-art NLP, It allows you to apply our state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) models to your text, such as named entity recognition (NER) and part-of-speech tagging (PoS). It is currently the best state of art technique to tag POS and NER for English langauge. I used this to train forward and backword language models and applied with different combination of Word Wmbeddings. For further references follow -

Example image

Image Source

All the corpus folders to train language model, fine tune POS and NER are in FLAIR repository in the desired format. The below code can be used, and modified if needed for traing and fine tunning -

# foward language model
python3 FLAIR/

# backward language model
python3 FLAIR/

# FineTunning POS
python3 FLAIR/

# FineTunning NER
python3 FLAIR/

# To predict (Default is POS)
python3 FLAIR/

To use Differnt word Embeddings such as Glove, Fasttext, Word2vec along with backword and forward language model Embeddins, First convert the text wordvectors file to gensim format using the below code (for word2vec). Follow this link for further details - CLASSIC_WORD_EMBEDDINGS

import gensim

word_vectors = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('/path/to/fasttext/embeddings.txt', binary=False)'/path/to/converted')

I used the following stack of Embeddings - character_embeddings, word2vec, forward_flair, backword_flair. The transfrmer embeddings can also be used, BERT model is described below.


Example image

Image Source

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is a recent paper published by researchers at Google AI Language. It has caused a stir in the Machine Learning community by presenting state-of-the-art results in a wide variety of NLP tasks. I used RoBERTo (by Facebook) as an experiment but any transformer model can be used for training and fine-tunning the language model. For training the language model sumerian_monolingual_processed data is used, and for fine-tunning similar data is used as for the FLAIR models. To train and finetune I used HuggingFace framework
To train Language model simpaly use -

python3 BERT/ 

The language model training is very time consuming so it is advised to use GPUs for training perposes, Google colab notebook can also be used for free GPU access.
To do the fine tunning for any token classification task (POS and NER is our case) the similar script can be used as provided, we just need a tokenizer and language model accordingly. To fine tune the BERT Model use -

cd BERT/

For further details please follow the documentation -


All Word Embedding models are Trained on Sumerian Processed Monolingual Dataset(contain around 1.5M UrIII phrases). The trained word embeddings are also used in Flair Language models


Word2vec model can be trained using file in Word_Embeddings Repo. To train use -

Python3 -input CDLI_Data/Sumerian_monolingual_processed.txt -output Word_Embeddings/sumerian_word2vec_50.txt 

The used model is trained with
model = Word2Vec(Monolingual_Text, size=50, window=5, min_count=1, workers=4)
which can be changed according to the requirments, by simply updating the file


To train glove wordVectors clone (
remove lines 1-15 in file and update the required fields, to get the similar results use -


Run shell script \



To train fasttext word embeddings install the library -

$ pip3 install fastext

and run -

import fasttext
model = fasttext.train_unsupervised('CDLI_Data/Sumerian_monolingual_processed.txt', model='skipgram',dim=50,epoch=50,minCount=1,minn=2,maxn=15)

For further references follow - Fasttext

Project structure

|__ ATF_2_Conll/ --> Code for converting text output to conll format, takes atf file as input and convert it by creating ID's representing phrases present in table

|__ ATF_INPUT/ --> A user can put an ATF file and can provide the path while calling file

|__ ATF_OUTPUT/ --> Contain all the results generated using file, including results in text format as well as in conll format. Results can simply be identified by file names.

|__ Basic_Named_Entites/ --> collection of some sumerian named entities such as City name, Month names, etc.

|__ CDLI_data/
        |__ Sumerian_monolingual_processed.txt/ --> Processed Sumerian Monolingual dataset extracted from sumerian untranslated.txt and processed using
        |__ Sumerian_translated.atf/ --> Sumerian Parallel En-Su data extracted from CDLI raw data using
        |__ Sumerian_untranslated.atf/ --> Sumerian Monolingual data extracted from CDLI raw data using
|__ Dataset/
        |__ ETCSL_conll/ --> Human annotated conll files of ETCSL dataset 
        |__ Raw/
            |__ CDLI conll files, human annotated data, taken from CDLI/mtacc_gold_corpus
        |__ Augmented_POSTAG_training_ml.csv/ --> Augmented POS tag training Data using Named dictionary and POS_training_ml.csv, generated after applying TextAugmentation
        |__ Augmented_RAW_NER_POS.csv/ --> Augmented Raw training Data include POS and NER using Named dictionary and POS_training_ml.csv generated after applying TextAugmentation
        |__ ETCSL_ORACC_NER/ --> Final datset on which models trained, contains annotated data from ETCSL, ORACC and augmented text for NER
        |__ ETCSL_ORACC_POS/ --> Final datset on which models trained, contains annotated data from ETCSL, ORACC and augmented text for POS
        |__ RAW_ETCSL_ORACC/ --> Final datset contains annotated data from ETCSL, ORACC and augmented text for both NER and POS
        |__ POSTAG_training_ml.csv/ --> POS tagging dataset created from 'Dataset/Raw_NER_POS_data.csv' using scripts/
        |__ Raw_NER_POS_data.csv/ --> Extracted and processed sumerian conll files using scripts/ 
        |__ sumerian_demo.txt/ --> Randomly extracted 150 sentences for the manual testing  of modeles from 1.5M sumerian text, code used - scripts/ 

|__BERT/ --> Contain code for Language Modeling and Fine tunning of RoBERTo Model, other transformer models can be trained and used similarly.

|__FLAIR/ --> Flair is currently best state of art technique for English Language, this repo contains differrnt python files to train forward and backword language models along with different word embeddings and python files used for fine tunning the models for identifying POS and NER Models  

        |__ NER_CRF_Model
                |__ --> set of rules/features to identify NER tags for sumerian languages 
                |__ --> conditional random field model including abouve feature set to identify NER taggs for sumerian language 
                |__ --> python file use to predict output of CRF model
        |__ NER_Bi_LSTM
                |__ --> Bidirectional LSTM Neural network model trained with word2vec embeddings 
                |__ --> python file use to predict output of deep neural network
        |__ NER_Bi_LSTM_CRF
                |__ --> Bidirectional LSTM Neural network with CRF integrated, trained with word2vec embeddings 
                |__ --> python file use to predict output of deep neural network

|__ Output/ --> Results of POS and NER using different models (CRF,HMM,Bi_LSTM) on 150 randomly selected sumerian sentences

        |__ POS_Bi_LSTM
                |__ --> Bidirectional LSTM Neural network model trained with word2vec embeddings 
                |__ --> python file use to predict output of deep neural network
        |__ POS_Bi_LSTM_CRF
                |__ --> Bidirectional LSTM Neural network with CRF integrated, trained with word2vec embeddings 
                |__ --> python file use to predict output of deep neural network
        |__ POS_CRF_Model
                |__ --> set of rules/features to identify POS tags for sumerian languages 
                |__ --> conditional random field model including abouve feature set to identify pos taggs for sumerian language 
                |__ --> python file use to predict output of CRF model

        |__ POS_HMM_Model
                |__ --> Hidden markov model based on emission and transition probabilities   
                |__ --> python file use to predict output of HMM model
|__ Saved_Model/ --> Saved weights of above models, output can be predicted using these without training the models 
        |__ POS/
        |__ NER/
   |__ --> Python Code for Processing Sumerian Monolingual dataset
   |__ --> Python Code for Extracting sumerian dataset from CDLI/data github
   | --> code to extract POS and Raw_POS_NER datset from CDLI conll files 
   | --> code to creat POS_Training dataset 
   | --> code to extract 150 random sentences from 1.5M Sumerian_monolingual_processed.txt

|__ TextAugmentation/
        |__ Raw/
            |__ Raw_NER_POS_data.csv/ --> Extracted and processed sumerian conll files using
            |__ pndictionary.csv/ --> raw dataset which contains sumerian names and associated named entities 
        |__ pndictioanry_processed.csv / --> processed pndictionary.csv using emission 
        |__ / --> python code used to process raw dictionary and convert in usable form
        |__ --> Python code for text augmentation, used raw human annotated dataset of 3500 phrase and converted to 22500 phrases using pndictioanry_processed.csv and Raw_NER_POS_data.csv

|__ Translation_Models/ --> contains README file, describing how to use different Machine Translation models for sumerian languages, by deafult on cloning the repo the the backtranslation weights get saved in this repo

|__ Word_Embeddings/ --> Sumerian word embeddings(word2vec,fasttext,glove) readme file and code to train the word embeddings on Sumerian_monolingual_processed.txt

|__ --> To run the pipeline integrated POS, NER and Machine Translation

|__ --> Contains required packages to run this model

|__ src --> Repository containing images used in file 


UrIII Period (Sumerian Language) Information Extraction pipeline including, Named Entity Recognition, Part Of Speech Tagging and Machine Translation







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Contributors 4
