Tools for obtaining and analysing S-PLUS datacubes.
Note: This is work in progress! If you intend to use this package in your research, please send me a message at
This code is pure Python, and requires the libraries numpy, scipy, astropy, pandas, and opencv-python to make colored images. It also depends on the splusdata to download the data and also requires that the user is properly registered in the splus cloud website.
WARNING: the photometric calibration of the produced data cubes rely on recent version versions of the splusdata package (v>3.7). Please update your package if necessary!
Download and content of this package to your computer, unpack the content, go the the main directory (splus_ifusci) and install with pip:
cd splus_ifusci
pip install .
A simple usage of the code to produce a datacube for NGC1087.
import getpass # For authentication
import astropy.units as u
import splusdata # To access the S-PLUS database
from splus_ifusci import SCube, make_RGB_with_overlay
# Connect with S-PLUS
username = getpass.getuser() # Change to your S-PLUS username
password = getpass.getpass(f"Password for {username}:")
conn = splusdata.connect(username, password)
# Specifying your object
galaxy = 'NGC1087'
coords = ['02:46:25.15', '-00:29:55.45']
size = 600 # Assume pixels if units is not specified
# Main routine to download the datacube.
scube = SCube(galaxy, coords, size, conn=conn,
halpha, halpha_err = scube.calc_halpha()
# Making RGB image
flam = scube.get_flam().value
rgb_bands = ["I", "R", "G"]
rgb = [flam[scube.bands.index(b)] for b in rgb_bands]
outimg = f"{galaxy}_RGB.png"
make_RGB_with_overlay(*rgb, outimg, overlay=halpha.value)
Below is the resulting image.