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Semantic version management for database records using ActiveRecord


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version_record provides a handful of tools to make versioning support super straight forward when it needs to be done at the database level. It makes use of ActiveRecord serialization and querying facilities to provide a nice API when dealing with versions. It relies heavily on Semantic Versioning.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'version_record'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install version_record


The more straight forward use case for this gem would be for an application implementing versioning at the database level. Let's say your application has a documents table for storing legal documents, which has a version column for storing the document version. Then you could do something like this:

class Document < ActiveRecord::Base

This will generate the following behavior:

document = '2.0.0')
document.version              # => #<VersionRecord::Version:0x007fd171d5c8f8 @major=2, @minor=0, @patch=0, @prerelease=nil>

document.version.to_s         # => "2.0.0"
document.version.bump         # => "2.1.0"
document.version.bump(:major) # => "3.0.0"
document.version.bump(:patch) # => "3.0.1"!

It will also generate two helper methods in your model called by_version and latest_version

Document.where(title: 'Terms of service').by_version(:desc) # => Will return a sorted list of "Terms of service" documents, ordered by version
Document.where(title: 'Terms of service').latest_version    # => Will return the latest "Terms of service" document

WARNING: by_version and latest_version are for now considered inefficient and you should be careful about using them with large sets of data. They use in-memory sorting, please use them at your own risk.

Storing versions

Versions are treated seamlessly as normal attributes

Document.create!(version: '1.0.0')

Or you can use setters on objects:

document.version = "1.0.0.beta"
document.version.to_s # => "1.0.0.beta"

Comparing versions

Version comparison work as you'd expect, honoring the Semantic Versioning specification:

document_1 = Document.create!(version: '1.0.0')
document_2 = Document.create!(version: '1.1.0')
document_3 = Document.create!(version: '1.1.1.beta')
document_4 = Document.create!(version: '1.1.1')

document_1.version.class                # => VersionRecord::Version
document_1.version < document_2.version # => true
document_2.version < document_3.version # => true
document_3.version < document_4.version # => true


ActiveRecord-style querying is supported. Versions are stored as strings in the end, so you can still use normal querying:

Document.where(version: '1.0.0')  # => Returns all the documents with version "1.0.0"
Document.find_by_version('2.0.0') # => Finds the document with version "2.0.0"

However, if you need to deal with version objects, this should also work:

document = Document.create!(version: '1.0.0') # => VersionRecord::Version
Document.where(version: document.version)     # => Returns all the documents with version "1.0.0"
Document.find_by_version(document.version)    # => Finds the document with version "1.0.0"


version_record adds a handy helper for strings:

"1.0.0".to_version     # => #<VersionRecord::Version:0x007fd17191bca8...
"1.0.0-rc1".to_version # => #<VersionRecord::Version:0x007fd17191bca8...
"1...1".to_version     # => ArgumentError: Malformed version number string 1...1

Custom options

If your version column is not called version you can customize it with the column_name option. For example, let's say that the name of your column is semantic_version instead of version, then you can do:

class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
  versioned column_name: :semantic_version

So then calling document.semantic_version should properly respond with a version object:

document.semantic_version # => #<VersionRecord::Version:0x007fd171d5c8f8 @major=2, @minor=0, @patch=0, @prerelease=nil>


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

See the Running Tests guide for details on how to run the test suite.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


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