Rameau is a console client for Mpd (Music Player Daemon). It is build in OCaml with Notty and OCaml-libmpdclient.
Rameau is not finished. For now just the Queue view is working. You can play, stop, pause and select a song the already filled current playlist.
git clone git@github.com:cedlemo/OCaml-libmpdclient.git
opam pin add libmpdclient libmpdclient
git clone git@github.com:cedlemo/rameau.git
opam pin add rameau rameau
- j/k -> next / previous song in the queue list
- Enter -> play the selected song
- s -> stop playing
- p -> toggle pause
- "+" -> increase by one the volume
- "-" -> decrease by one the volume
- "q" or "Escape" or "Ctrl + C" quit rameau