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Spring Boot Basics Workshop



Following tools should be installed on the workstation:

  • Developer IDE (e. g. Eclipse or IntelliJ) with Lombok support Lombok
  • Tool for testing REST calls (e. g. Postman)
  • Tool for accessing databases (e. g. DBeaver) - optional
  • Knowledge about at least Java 8 or higher

New Project

Create a new project with the Spring Initializr:

  • Maven Project
  • Java 8 / 11
  • Dependencies:
    • Spring Web Starter
    • Spring Boot Actuator
    • Lombok

Implementations (branch: step-01)

  1. Import the project into the IDE and start the service
    The endpoints "health" and "info" of the actuator should be available ("/actuator/health", "/actuator/info")
    (Spring Boot Actuator)
  2. Check the structure of the service and do the following changes:
    a) Add the build-info for the "info" endpoint to the pom.xml
    b) Delete unnecessary files (Scripts)
  3. Implement Controller (branch: step-02)
    a) Initial Implementation (tag: step-02.1)
    b) Implement Request- and Response Model (tag: step-02.2)
    c) Add Configuration (tag: step-02.3)
  4. Implement Services (branch: step-03)
  5. Implement Error Handling and Logging (branch: step-04)

Unit Tests (branch: step-05)

  1. Implement JUnit Tests
  2. Add Mockito to the tests
  3. Test with Spring Boot Context

Add Dependencies

  1. Swagger (branch: step-06)
  2. Database Connection (branch: step-07)
  3. Spring Web Security (branch: step-08)


Some more interesting and important annotations

  • @PostConstruct
  • @ComponentScan
  • @Beans
  • @PreDestroy
  • @Slf4j
  • @ConditionalOnProperty
  • @EnableScheduling/@Scheduled
  • @Order


  • When using @Autowired never use the new constructor, otherwise the object is null
  • If you use other properties than, you have define them explicit
  • The properties from src/main/resources/ are not loaded on tests, you have to define own properties in src/test/resources