Project source files from my TDC presentation. The Developer Conference 2018 - Brazil - Delphi Track
Back-end: Delphi + DMVC Framework + FireDAC + PostgreSQL Front-end: JS ES6 + React + DevExpress DevExtreme
Introduction to web and cloud platform.
How to create a simple, efficient, high performance and easy to maintain back-end server with Delphi MVC Framework.
How to create web front-end quickly with React.js library, to consume the back-end created with Delphi MVC Framework.
- Introduction to Web and Cloud Platform
- RESTful Server with DMVC Framework, FireDAC and PostgreSQL
- Introduction to JavaScript front-end Development with React.js
- Front-end built with DevExpress DevExtreme, code, data and imagens from existing example:
- dmvc-backend\db\dmvc-backend-db.backup
- Compile and run the project "dmvc-backend\ReadStateBackEnd.dproj" with Delphi
Install Node.js
cd full-stack-tdc-poa\dx-real-state-front-end
- You can use npm or yarn to install dependencies and execute the front-end.
- Yarn has better performance.
Install project dependencies
- npm install
Run front-end
- npm start
Install yarn
- npm install yarn
Install project dependencies
- yarn
Run front-end
- yarn run start
- Edit the "dx-real-state-front-end\src\App.js" file.
- Change "remoteDataSource" to false inside the constructor.