The most accesible financial instrument in modern finance is the index fund. An index fund is a mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF) is designed to follow certain preset rules so that the fun can track a specified basket of underlying investments, usually a popular index for a market. Because these funds are derivative products with many component parts, frequently including many mutual funds, themselves composed of some combination of mutual funds, these funds allow both a relatively safe investment for the average investor, but they also have a tricky problem in that users' investment in tens, hundreds, or thousands of stocks are frequently only hazily visible. The private prison industry is understood by many to be ethically dubious, and some of the most accessible firms have large holdings in the two publically traded private prison companies, GEO Group (GEO) and CoreCivic (CXW, formerly known as Corrections Corporation of America). In order to facilitate users divestment from Vanguard index funds that are involved with these two and other ethically dubious stock holdings, this code base seeks to facilitate scraping of public access data to trace holdings in stocks of interest to their top level Vanguard index fund products.
This will eventually exist...
Access to user-friendly and low-risk investments shouldn't require investors to put their ideals behind profit.
Install python, install selenium, and possibly other packages.
Eventually, this will exist?
Maybe this will exist one day.
Just me for now. Future users welcome!
This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3. Open-source, but you gotta keep improvements open source as well.