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Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning For Herbicide Spraying Using Reinforcement Learning

This is the codebase for the ICRA 2025 paper "Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning For Herbicide Spraying Using Reinforcement Learning", written by Jahid Chowdhury Choton, John Woods, Raja Farrukh Ali, and William Hsu. In this paper, we present a Reinforcement Learning (RL) solution for multi-robot systems used for spraying herbicide. Our contributions include:

  • Developing a novel, customizable RL environment that represents an agricultural field with 3 spraying robots
  • Analyzing 4 state-of-the-art RL algorithms across 10 different environments
  • Creating a simultion framework of the environment using the CoppeliaSim robot simulator


It is recommended to run this codebase on Linux. The necessary packages and libraries needed to run the code are provided in the environment.yaml conda file. If you do not have conda installed on your machine, download it here. Once it is installed, run the following command to set up the environment:

conda env create -f environment.yaml

If you update the environment by installing or removing packages, please update the conda file with the following command:

conda env export --no-builds > environment.yaml

Generating Experiments

10 sets of experiments are already provided in this repository, with sets 1-8 having a field size of 50x50 and sets 9-10 having a field size of 100x100. To generate a single 50x50 field size experiment, simply run:


Newly generated experiments will be placed in the experiments directory. Additional experiments with different sizes can be generated using this command format:

python3 [number of experiments] --max_size [field size]


On your local machine

To train an algorithm with the default configuration, run the following command:

python3 --algorithm A2C --set 1

The currently implemented algorithms are A2C, PPO, TRPO, and RecurrentPPO. The possible values for --set depend on the number of sets in the experiments directory. Training can be further configured using the following command format:

python3 --algorithm {A2C, PPO, TRPO, RecurrentPPO} --set [set number] --verbose {0 for no output, 1 for info, 2 for debug} --gamma [discount factor] --steps [number of training steps] --num_envs [number of parallel environments] --resume {True for resuming training, False for new model}

On Compute Clusters

Slurm scripts for training the model are also provided in the training_scripts directory. To run all experiments, use the command:

sbatch training_scripts/

To run just a single experiment, first configure the experiment in the training_scripts/ file. Then, run the following command to start it:

sbatch training_scripts/

Viewing Results

Training for 1 million timesteps takes around 1-4 hours, depending on the algorithm. Once complete, the trained model will be saved in the trained_models directory.

Logs containg the reward info are also generated as the model trains. To view them, simply run:

tensorboard --logdir=./logs


Note: Simulation can only be done once you have fully trained a model.


To simulate a trained model in PyGame, run the following command:

python3 --algorithm A2C --set 1 --simulate False


First, you will need to download the CoppeliaSim robotics simulator here. Once it is installed, open the simulation_env/drone_test_scene_aug14.ttt scene in the simulator.

IMPORTANT: You will need to reopen the scene each time before running the simulation. Never save changes to the scene file when closing.

To simulate a trained model in CoppeliaSim, run the following command:

python3 --algorithm A2C --set 1 --simulate True


We also provide some scripts to aid with plotting results. To plot the layouts of the provided 10 experiment sets, run the following command:

python3 plotting/

Once the experiments have been run, you can plot individual experiment performance and average algorithm performance with the following command:

python3 plotting/


Weed detection using reinforcement learning (RL).






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