This repository has been created using the programming language Go. Its goal is to help in practicing algorithm skills. It includes algorithm tests that can be run directly via Makefile actions. How the algorithms are implemented is up to you.
Run leetcode tests for for sorts algorithm practices.
Practice | Test Command |
Reverse Integer | make test-leetcode-00007 |
Rotate Image | make test-leetcode-00048 |
Gas Station | make test-leetcode-00134 |
Candy | make test-leetcode-00135 |
Perfect Squares | make test-leetcode-00279 |
Wiggle Subsequence | make test-leetcode-00376 |
Remove K Digits | make test-leetcode-00402 |
Can Place Flowers | make test-leetcode-00605 |
Run tests for reverse algorithm practices.
Practice | Test Command |
Reverse String | make test-reverse-string |
Run all or individual tests for sort algorithm practices.
make test-sorts
Practice | Test Command |
Countingsort | make test-countsorting |
Heapsort | make test-heapsort |
Insertionsort | make test-insertionsort |
Mergesort | make test-mergesort |
Quicksort | make test-quicksort |
Run tests for stack algorithm practices.
Practice | Test Command |
Stack | make test-stack |
This repository is written in Go, so it includes a go.mod locking the version to 1.22.3. A Makefile is also used, so installing a version of make will be necessary as well.
Go 1.22.3 - Download and Install the binary or install via your favorite package manager