Caffeine Corner is a comprehensive Point of Sale (POS) application designed specifically for coffee shops. It provides an efficient and intuitive system for managing customer interactions, product inventories, and order transactions. This project serves as an educational resource for mastering Java EE development.
The front-end of Caffeine Corner is crafted to offer a user-friendly interface with seamless interaction. It utilizes HTML, CSS, jQuery, and Fetch to create a dynamic web application, ensuring a smooth user experience.
The back-end of Caffeine Corner handles server-side operations, data processing, and business logic. Implemented using Java EE and hosted on the Apache Tomcat server, it ensures robust performance and reliability for handling transactions and managing data.
- User-friendly Interface: Designed with an intuitive layout for easy navigation and quick learning. Built using HTML, CSS , JS.
- Reporting and Analytics: Generates detailed reports and alerts on orders, product, and customer data for informed decision-making.
- JavaEE Architecture: Developed with the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, offering a scalable architecture for enterprise-level applications.
- Apache Tomcat Server: Configured to run on Apache Tomcat, ensuring efficient and reliable web application hosting.
- Data Processing: Implements server-side logic to handle data processing and facilitate seamless communication between the front-end and database.
- Business Rules: Enforces business logic and regulations specific to coffee shop operations.
- Database Interactions: Manages interactions with the database, ensuring data integrity and security.
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Fetch
- Java EE
- Apache Tomcat
- MySQL Connector: Java-based driver for connecting to MySQL databases (Version 8.0.32).
- Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI): Java API for connecting to directory services, used for managing database connections efficiently through connection pooling.
- Maven: Build automation and project management tool (Version 4.0.0)