A Bash command line which pull your Kaggle kernel and push it to Github repo. ---- Refer: https://www.kaggle.com/docs/api
Spawn an EC2 instance on AWS if you are not an Linux user
run these commands:
- yum install python3
- yum install python-pip or yum install python3-pip
- Get API token from Kaggle--> My Account -->Create new API token
- Put token file in /root/.kaggle/kaggle.json
- chmod 600 kaggle.json
Run the script
A Bash command line which pull your Kaggle kernel and push it to Github repo.
Python should be Installed, preferably ANACONDA
run these commands: pip3 install kaggle
Get API token from Kaggle--> My Account -->Create new API token Put token file in C:\Users<Windows-username>.kaggle\kaggle.json - you can check the exact location, sans drive, with echo %HOMEPATH%)
git clone https://github.com/$GITHUB_USERNAME/$REPO.git or if you don't want to clone, do 'git init' to initialize git rpeository
kaggle datasets download $DATASET -p ./$REPO/kaggle/input/$KERNEL/ --force --unzip
kaggle kernels pull (YOUR-KAGGLE-NAME)/(KAGGLE-REPO)
git stage --all
git commit -m "Added a new kernel"
git push