Angular + Bootstrap + Devexpress + Node js server quick start application.
This web application will help you to quick start your application development. It uses Angular 6, Node server, Devexpress, Bootstrap, Jquery and other javascript frameworks. I have also followed all the coding standards and architectural aspects of enterprise web app development for building this web application.
- Angular CLI
Execute the following commands to run the web application
- git clone
- npm install
- ng serve
Application will be available at the following URL http://localhost:4200/
For production build and deployment use the following commands
- npm run build
Application will be available at the following URL http://localhost:3000/
I have used creative-tim free angular 2 paper dashboard for building this application. I upgraded the angular version to 6, added a new service, component, and view for the news dashboard
- creative-tim - HTML + Bootstrap + Angular Application
- Devexpress - Data grid/HTML widgets
Sarath Chandra Chama
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details