This is the beta version of Go Library for integrating with Chargebee. Sign up for a Chargebee account here.
Install the latest version of the library with the following commands:
go get
Use go1.3 or newer.
import (
subscriptionAction ""
func main() {
chargebee.Configure("{site}", "{site_api_key}")
res, err := subscriptionAction.Create(&subscription.CreateRequestParams{
PlanId: "cbdemo_grow",
BillingCycles: chargebee.Int32(3),
AutoCollection: enum.AutoCollectionOff,
Customer: &subscription.CreateCustomerParams{
Email: "",
FirstName: "John",
LastName: "Doe",
Locale: "fr-CA",
Phone: "+1-949-999-9999",
AutoCollection: enum.AutoCollectionOff,
if err != nil {
Subscription := res.Subscription
Customer := res.Customer
Invoice := res.Invoice
import (
subscriptionAction ""
func main() {
chargebee.Configure("{site}", "{site_api_key}")
res, err := subscriptionAction.Create(&subscription.CreateRequestParams{
PlanId: "cbdemo_grow",
BillingCycles: chargebee.Int32(3),
AutoCollection: enum.AutoCollectionOff,
Customer: &subscription.CreateCustomerParams{
Email: "",
FirstName: "John",
LastName: "Doe",
Locale: "fr-CA",
Phone: "+1-949-999-9999",
AutoCollection: enum.AutoCollectionOff,
BillingAddress: &subscription.CreateBillingAddressParams{
FirstName: "John",
LastName: "Doe",
Line1: "PO Box 9999",
City: "Walnut",
State: "California",
Zip: "91789",
Country: "US",
MetaData: map[string]interface{}{
"features": map[string]interface{}{
"usage-limit": "5GB",
"speed-within-quota": "2MBbps",
"post-usage-quota": "512kbps",
Addons: []*subscription.CreateAddonParams{
Id: "cbdemo_conciergesupport",
Id: "cbdemo_additionaluser",
Quantity: chargebee.Int32(2),
CouponIds: []string{"cbdemo_earlybird"},
if err != nil {
Subscription := res.Subscription
Customer := res.Customer
Card := res.Card
Invoice := res.Invoice
UnbilledCharges := res.UnbilledCharges
To retrieve list of subscriptions :
import (
subscriptionAction ""
func main() {
chargebee.Configure("{site}", "{site_api_key}")
res, err := subscriptionAction.List(&subscription.ListRequestParams{
Limit: chargebee.Int32(5),
Id: &filter.StringFilter{
In: []string{"cbdemo_john-sub", "cbdemo_ricky-sub"},
PlanId: &filter.StringFilter{
IsNot: "basic",
Status: &filter.EnumFilter{
Is: subscriptionEnum.StatusActive,
SortBy: &filter.SortFilter{
Asc: "created_at",
if err != nil {
for i := range res.List {
Subscription := res.List[i].Subscription
Customer := res.List[i].Customer
Card := res.List[i].Card
import (
subscriptionAction ""
func main() {
chargebee.Configure("{site}", "{site_api_key}")
res, err := subscriptionAction.Create(&subscription.CreateRequestParams{
PlanId: "cbdemo_grow",
}).Headers("chargebee-request-origin-ip", "").AddParams("customer[cf_gender]","Female").Request() // Customer level custom field.
if err != nil {
Subscription := res.Subscription
Customer := res.Customer
Card := res.Card
Invoice := res.Invoice
UnbilledCharges := res.UnbilledCharges
go get
_,err := //Go Library call
if err != nil {
if goErr,ok := err.(*chargebee.Error); ok {
//Identify the type of Error
switch goErr.Type {
case chargebee.PaymentError:
// First check for card parameters entered by the user.
// We recommend you to validate the input at the client side itself to catch simple mistakes.
if goErr.Param == "card[number]" {
// Ask your user to recheck the card number. A better way is to use
// Stripe's for validating it in the client side itself.
//}else if(goErr.Param == <other card params>){
//Similarly check for other card parameters entered by the user.
} else {
// Verfication or processing failures.
// Provide a standard message to your user to recheck his card details or provide a different card.
// Like 'Sorry,there was a problem when processing your card, please check the details and try again'.
case chargebee.InvalidRequestError:
// For coupons you could decide to provide specific messages by using
// the 'api_error_code' attribute in the ex.
if goErr.Param == "coupon" {
if goErr.APIErrorCode == "resource_not_found" {
// Inform user to recheck his coupon code.
} else if goErr.APIErrorCode == "resource_limit_exhausted" {
// Inform user that the coupon code has expired.
} else if goErr.APIErrorCode == "invalid_request" {
// Inform user that the coupon code is not applicable for his plan(/addons).
} else {
// Inform user to recheck his coupon code.
} else {
// Since you would have validated all other parameters on your side itself,
// this could probably be a bug in your code. Provide a generic message to your users.
case chargebee.OperationFailedError:
// Indicates that the request parameters were right but the request couldn't be completed.
// The reasons might be "api_request_limit_exceeded" or could be due to an issue in ChargeBee side.
// These should occur very rarely and mostly be of temporary nature.
// You could ask your user to retry after some time.
default :
// These are unhandled exceptions (Could be due to a bug in your code or very rarely in client library).
// The errors from ChargeBee such as authentication failures will come here.
// You could ask users contact your support.
See the LICENSE file.