Text encoders for machine learning and nlp in python
The project provides encoders that tranform varied-length text sentences into fixed-length continuous/discrete numpy arrays. The objective is to convert unstructured text data into structured data such as matrix that can be fed into machine learning algorithms such as those in scikit-learn or tensorflow.
git clone this project to your host computer. copy the "pydl_text_encoders" folder from the git-cloned project into your own project's root directory. Now you can use the the library in the same way as shown in the pydl_text_encoders/demo
The code below shows show to use GloveModel from pydl_text_encoders/library/glove_loader.py to convert text sequences of varied lengths (e.g., sentences) into fixed-length array
The sample code can be found in the pydl_text_encoders/demo/encoders/text2vec_glove.py.
from pydl_text_encoders.library.glove_loader import GloveModel
def main():
glove_model = GloveModel()
glove_model.load('../very_large_data') # can be any folder that will be used to store large models downloaded form internet
print('current encoding is: ', glove_model.embedding_dim) # length of the array encoded from text
print(glove_model.encode_word('text')) # encode a single word to a 100-dimension array
print(glove_model.encode_doc('Hello, how are you today?')) # encode a sentence to a 100-dimension array
if __name__ == '__main__':
By default the generated fixed-length array has a 100 dimension. However, if you want to change the dimensions on the array generated, you can call one of the following instead of glove_model.load('../very_large_data') in the above sample code:
glove_model = ...
# to generate array of dimension 50
glove_model.load('../very_large/data', embedding_dim=50)
# to generate array of dimension 100
glove_model.load('../very_large/data', embedding_dim=100)
# to generate array of dimension 200
glove_model.load('../very_large/data', embedding_dim=200)
# to generate array of dimension 300
glove_model.load('../very_large/data', embedding_dim=300)
The code below shows show to use GenSimWord2VecModel from pydl_text_encoders/library/gensim_loader.py to convert text sequences of varied lengths (e.g., sentences) into fixed-length array
The sample code can be found in the pydl_text_encoders/demo/encoders/text2vec_gensim.py.
from pydl_text_encoders.library.gensim_loader import GenSimWord2VecModel
def main():
sentences = []
# Import `umich-sentiment-train.txt`
with open('umich-sentiment-train.txt', mode='rt', encoding='utf8') as file:
for line in file:
label, sentence = line.strip().split('\t')
gensim_model = GenSimWord2VecModel()
# train the gensim model using text data from `umich-sentiment-train.txt`
print('current encoding is: ', gensim_model.embedding_dim) # length of the array encoded from text
print(gensim_model.encode_word('text')) # encode a single word to a 100-dimension array
for sentence in sentences[0:10]:
print('Origin: ', sentence)
print('Encoded: ', gensim_model.encode_doc(sentence)) # encode a sentence to a 100-dimension array
if __name__ == '__main__':
By default the generated fixed-length array has a 100 dimension. However, if you want to change the dimensions on the array generated, you can call one of the following instead of gensim_model.fit(sentences) in the above sample code:
gensim_model = ...
sentences = ...
# to generate array of dimension 50
gensim_model.fit(sentences, embed_dim=50)
# to generate array of dimension 100
gensim_model.fit(sentences, embed_dim=100)
# to generate array of dimension 200
gensim_model.fit(sentences, embed_dim=200)
# to generate array of dimension 300
gensim_model.fit(sentences, embed_dim=300)