This project focuses on training a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to generate text in the distinctive style of William Shakespeare. The dataset used is "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare," which can be found here. The RNN is implemented using TensorFlow, and the model architecture is based on a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) with an embedding layer.
- NumPy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- TensorFlow
The chosen dataset comprises all of Shakespeare's works, providing a large corpus of text with a distinctive style. This dataset is preferred for its size and unique characteristics.
To input text into the neural network, numeric indices are assigned to each character. Two dictionaries are created to map between numeric indices and characters.
Training sequences are generated by shifting the text sequence by one character. For instance:
- Sequence In: "Hello my nam"
- Sequence Out: "ello my name"
Batches are created by shuffling the sequences into a random order to prevent overfitting to specific sections of the text.
The model is built using a GRU-based architecture with additional features, including an embedding layer. The embedding layer serves as the input layer, mapping character indices to vectors. The model uses sparse categorical crossentropy as the loss function.
Model: "sequential"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
embedding (Embedding) (128, None, 64) 5376
gru (GRU) (128, None, 1026) 3361176
dense (Dense) (128, None, 84) 86268
Total params: 3,452,820
Trainable params: 3,452,820
Non-trainable params: 0
A check is performed to ensure that the model predicts random characters without any training by passing in a batch.
A custom function is created to generate text from a given prompt using the trained GRU-based RNN model. The model is configured to expect a batch size of 1 for text generation.
To run the project, follow these steps:
- Download the dataset from here.
- Execute the provided Jupyter Notebook or Python script.
Feel free to experiment with different parameters and model architectures to enhance text generation capabilities.
Enjoy creating Shakespearean-like text with your trained RNN!