this is log package for golang
it support stdout, file, mysql or other Database to write
and auto rotate like this, default daily
|-- LogDir | Database
| |-- logfile_2020101000.log | table
| |-- logfile_2020101100.log
| |-- logfile_2020101200.log
| |-- logfile_2020101300.log
| |-- logfile_2020101400.log
SPECIAL it has some cool stdout like this below
it`s so striking, emmmm, easy to debug your code
find the ERROR as soon as possible
To download the package, run:
go get
Import it in your program as:
import ""
- Stdout (Default) :
this log will print in the shell
//this code will set the option if you like
// log.SetLevel(define.DEBUG),
// log.SetReportCaller(false),
// log.SetFormat(log.FORMAT_JSON),
// )
log.Info("info test %s %d", "hahahahhaha", 123)
log.Warn("warn test %s", "hahahahhaha")
log.Error("error test %s", "hahahahhaha")
- File :
this log will be written in file
and the file can be rotated by minute/ hour/ day/ week/ month/ year
w, err := file.New("./LogDir/logfile.log")
if err != nil {
log.SetWriterAndRotate(w, true, log.ROTATE_DAY),
log.Info("info test %s %d", "hahahahhaha", 123)
- Mysql :
- it will Default use Archive Engine to create table
- Attention it ues gorm to drive database
you should give struct detail like this
type LogModel struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primaryKey" json:"-"`
Func string `gorm:"size:128" json:"func"`
Line string `gorm:"size:64" json:"line"`
File string `gorm:"size:256" json:"file"`
Level string `gorm:"size:4" json:"level"`
Time string `json:"time"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
cf := &mysql.Config{"root", "123456", "", 3306, "log"}
dsn := cf.String()
//or you can direct use the dsn url like
// root:password@tcp(
w, err := mysql.New(dsn, "log", LogModel{})
if err != nil {
log.SetWriterAndRotate(w, true, log.ROTATE_DAY),
log.Debug("info test %s %d", "hahahahhaha", 123)
- Mongo
require MongoDB 2.6 and higher.
a := mongo.Config{"root","123456","localhost",0,"log"}
// you can also use dsn to connect
//dns := "mongodb://localhost:27017
//dns := "mongodb://root:123456@localhost:27017/log?authSource=log"
w, err := mongo.New(a.String(), "log","testlog")
if err != nil {
log.SetWriterAndRotate(w, true, log.ROTATE_MINITE),
log.Debug("debug test %s %d", "hahahahhaha", 123)
log.Info("info test %s", "hahahahhaha")
- ElasticSearch
require ElasticSearch 7.x and higher.
w, err := elasticsearch.New([]string{"", ""}, "log",
elasticsearch.SetBulk(true), //use Bulk mode
if err != nil {
log.SetWriterAndRotate(w, false, log.ROTATE_DAY),
log.Debug("debug test %s %d", "hahahahhaha", 123)
log.Info("info test %s", "hahahahhaha")
log.Warn("warn test %s", "hahahahhaha")
// if you use Bulk mode
// when service is done, do not forget to exit()
// otherwise you may lost some logs
other writer needs to be developing
- hook
// hook to add user-defined key value
type hook struct {
func(h *hook) Set(e *log.Entry) {
e.Data["heelow"] = "just show your time"
e.Data["findasf"] = "123144"
e.Data["8888"] = "8888"
if you have any problem
please contract me at
welcome to join and perfect it