A little node tool to check a tile cache for missing or invalid tiles
- ImageMagick (this is dependency for the nodejs module gm http://aheckmann.github.io/gm/)
Generates a csv and geojson file reporting details about a tile cache at sampled locations and specified zoom levels.
-t, --tilecache
tile cache directory
-o, --outputfile
outputfile without extension
-c, --cellsize
distance between sample points in sample grid
-r, --zoomrange
comma delimited range of zoom levels to sample e.g. "2,10" (no spaces)
-e, --extent
sample extent: xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax
-f, --samplefile
a geojson file with sample locations to use instead of generating a point grid
-h, --help
display this help
generated sample grid requires a cell size and extent:
$ maptile-qc -t ~/my_tile_cache -o ~/temp/outputfile -c 0.05 -r 2,10 -e -122,36,-120,37
sample data loaded from a geojson file:
$ maptile-qc -t ~/my_tile_cache -o ~/temp/outputfile -r 2,10 -f '~/samplepoints.geojson'