This is a PaddlePaddle2.0 implementation of the paper 《3D-R2N2: A Unified Approach for Single andMulti-view 3D Object Reconstruction》ECCV 2016.. by Choy et al. Given one or multiple views of an object, the network generates voxelized ( a voxel is the 3D equivalent of a pixel) reconstruction of the object in 3D.
See the official repo in Theano, as well as overview of the method.
For now, only the residual GRU-based architecture with neighboring recurrent unit connection is implemented. It is called Res3D-GRU-3 in the paper.
The loss function is BCE (the mean value of the voxel-wise binary cross entropies between the reconstructed object and the ground truth. ) instead of CE in the original paper.
For a fair comparison, the same data augment strategy as Pix2Vox was used in this experiment.
Use the same dataset as mentioned in the official repo.
--ShapeNet rendered images
--ShapeNet voxelized models
--Pix3D images & voxelized models:
The dataset is already mounted in this notebook.
!unzip -oq data/data67155/
%cd work/3D-R2N2/
!pip install -r requirements.txt
Update Settings in work/3D-R2N2/
# To train 3D-R2N2:
%cd work/3D-R2N2/
# Test
!python3 --test --weights=/home/aistudio/work/3D-R2N2/output/checkpoints/2021-03-09T16:19:52.385245/best-ckpt
Use config:
{'CONST': {'BATCH_SIZE': 30,
'CROP_IMG_H': 96,
'CROP_IMG_W': 96,
'DEVICE': '0',
'IMG_H': 127,
'IMG_W': 127,
'INFO_BATCH': 100,
'N_VOX': 32,
'RNG_SEED': 0,
'WEIGHTS': '/home/aistudio/work/3D-R2N2/output/checkpoints/2021-03-09T16:19:52.385245/best-ckpt'},
'DATASET': {'MEAN': [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
'STD': [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
'TEST_DATASET': 'ShapeNet',
'TRAIN_DATASET': 'ShapeNet'},
'DATASETS': {'SHAPENET': {'RENDERING_PATH': '/home/aistudio/dataset/ShapeNet/ShapeNetRendering/%s/%s/rendering/%02d.png',
'TAXONOMY_FILE_PATH': './datasets/ShapeNet.json',
'VOXEL_PATH': '/home/aistudio/dataset/ShapeNet/ShapeNetVox32/%s/%s/model.binvox'}},
'DIR': {'OUT_PATH': './output'},
'TEST': {'RANDOM_BG_COLOR_RANGE': [[240, 240], [240, 240], [240, 240]],
'VOXEL_THRESH': [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]},
'TRAIN': {'BETAS': [0.9, 0.999],
'CONTRAST': 0.4,
'GAMMA': 0.5,
'MOMENTUM': 0.9,
'NOISE_STD': 0.1,
'POLICY': 'adam',
'RANDOM_BG_COLOR_RANGE': [[225, 255], [225, 255], [225, 255]],
'SAVE_FREQ': 10,
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:56.780385 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=02691156, Name=aeroplane]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:56.992252 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=02828884, Name=bench]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:57.052724 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=02933112, Name=cabinet]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:57.111380 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=02958343, Name=car]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:57.415542 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=03001627, Name=chair]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:57.631712 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=03211117, Name=display]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:57.668383 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=03636649, Name=lamp]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:57.744364 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=03691459, Name=speaker]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:57.818193 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=04090263, Name=rifle]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:57.927521 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=04256520, Name=sofa]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:58.070311 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=04379243, Name=table]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:58.444920 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=04401088, Name=telephone]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:58.492240 Collecting files of Taxonomy[ID=04530566, Name=watercraft]
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:27:58.569851 Complete collecting files of the dataset: ShapeNet. Total files: 8770.
[INFO] Collected files of testet
W0310 15:27:58.595484 16582] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 7.0, Driver API Version: 11.0, Runtime API Version: 10.1
W0310 15:27:58.599697 16582] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.6.
[INFO] 2021-03-10 15:28:02.028381 Loading weights from /home/aistudio/work/3D-R2N2/output/checkpoints/2021-03-09T16:19:52.385245/best-ckpt ...
============================ TEST RESULTS ============================
Taxonomy #Sample Baseline t=0.20 t=0.30 t=0.40 t=0.50
aeroplane 810 0.5610 0.6282 0.6444 0.6404 0.6215
bench 364 0.5270 0.5958 0.6050 0.5934 0.5629
cabinet 315 0.7720 0.7971 0.8017 0.7997 0.7907
car 1501 0.8360 0.8515 0.8607 0.8619 0.8569
chair 1357 0.5500 0.5974 0.6057 0.5983 0.5781
display 220 0.5650 0.5905 0.5989 0.5925 0.5714
lamp 465 0.4210 0.4744 0.4601 0.4342 0.4001
speaker 325 0.7170 0.7405 0.7408 0.7331 0.7185
rifle 475 0.6000 0.6231 0.6295 0.6163 0.5874
sofa 635 0.7060 0.7393 0.7480 0.7449 0.7304
table 1703 0.5800 0.6295 0.6321 0.6209 0.6009
telephone 211 0.7540 0.7799 0.7942 0.7989 0.7965
watercraft 389 0.6100 0.6292 0.6417 0.6363 0.6154
Overall 0.6731 0.6799 0.6730 0.6553
[INFO/MainProcess] process shutting down
Results in the paper:
Results in this experiment:
5 Views, Valid BCE = 0.7134, Valid IoU = 0.68196,
On the test set, when t=0.30, IoU=0.6799
This project is open sourced under MIT license.