Welcome! This is the ofiicial home for the Open Source Waste Reduction Engine.
WRE makes use of Apple's CoreML Vision framework, and object detection.
WRE is made in Swift 4.0.
You are more than welcome to contribute to WRE, your contributions might make its way into Plate.
Plate App LLC has full access to any progress that you make on WRE.
You may use WRE in your own app, and we encoruage you to do so!
- If you do so, you must provide a link to this project, and you may not name it anything else. It must be named Waste Reduction Engine, or Plate Waste Reduction Engine.
You man not publish this code as a standalone app, whether it's for free or not. You must make substantial progress on top of WRE in order for it to considered a standalone app. You must agree that it will not affect Plate's endavours in any way. Plate has full rights to issue a cease and dissis notice, and you must either appeal, or comply within 15 days.
By contributing to WRE, you are legally required to have fun, and be happy. Disregarding this clause will make us sad.