Repository name in Docker Hub: globdev/ionic
This repository contains Dockerized Ionic 3.13.2, published to the public Docker Hub via automated build mechanism.
This docker image contains the following software stack:
OS: Debian stretch (built from debian:stretch).
Java: Oracle JDK 1.8.0_151-b12 (built from globdev/java:8)
Android SDK 25.0.0+5 (built from globdev/android)
Node.js 6.11.4 LTS
Ionic 3.13.2
Cordova 7.0.1
$ docker pull globdev/ionic:latest
FROM globdev/ionic:latest
docker pull globdev/ionic:latest
docker build -t globdev/ionic
docker run -it globdev/ionic bash
By using Dockerfiles contained in this repo and/or container images derived from them, you are agreeing to any and all applicable license agreements & export rules related to unlimited strength crypto, etc...