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Okane is an easy expense and income tracker, which gives accurate graph representation of user's income/expenses/transactions.
This project consists of a website describing an app, and the app which enables users to track expenses/income/transactions and see their transactions visualization to plan their budget and secure their income.

😀 User Can

  • use the website to get all the available info about the app
  • contact okane team
  • see okane offices on the map
  • sign up/sign in/sign out
  • see the dashboard with the information about their income/expenses/transactions
  • see graphs describing 'last 30 days' icome and expenses
  • see a list of transactions
  • add new transaction manually
  • see profile page

🤝 Our team



  • Notcori

🚀 Technologies used

React iconReact Router iconReduxTailwind iconStyled ComponentsChartjs iconVite icon

📚 Project Structure

Inside of the project, you'll see the following folders and files:

 └──├── public/
    ├── src/
    │   ├── assets/
    │   │   └── data/
    │   │   └── icons/
    │   │   └── images/
    │   │   └── ...
    │   ├── components/
    │   ├── features/
    │   │   └── account/
    │   │   └── expense/
    │   │   └── income/
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── pages/
    │   │   └── Dashboard/
    │   │   └── About.jsx
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── styles/
    │   └── utils/
    └── package.json

🧞 Instructions

To run the client:

open new terminal
cd client
npm install (first time only)
npm run dev


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