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Jackalope implementats PHPCR. This modular library contains bindings to store data with the doctrine DBAL or in the Jackrabbit JCR server part


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A powerful implementation of the PHPCR API.

You can use Jackalope with different storage backends. For now, we support:

  • relational databases with the DoctrineDBAL backend. Works with any database supported by doctrine (mysql, postgres, ...) and has no dependency on java or jackrabbit. For the moment, it is less feature complete.
  • Jackrabbit server backend supports many features and requires you to simply install a .jar file for the data store component.

Discuss on or visit #jackalope on

License: This code is licenced under the apache license. Please see the file LICENSE in this folder.


  • libxml version >= 2.7.0 (due to a bug in libxml
  • phpunit >= 3.5 (if you want to run the tests)
  • phpunit/DbUnit (if you want to run the Doctrine DBAL Transport tests)


# in your project directory
git clone git://
cd jackalope
git submodule update --init --recursive

Be sure to run the git submodule command with recursive to get all dependencies of jackalope.

Jackalope Jackrabbit

Besides the Jackalope repository, you need the Jackrabbit server component. For instructions, see Jackalope Wiki Make sure you have at least the version specified in the protocol implementation

Jackalope - Doctrine DBAL

Besides the Jackalope repository, you need Doctrine DBAL (which bundles Doctrine Common too) installed on your machine.

# in your project directory
cd lib/vendor
git clone git:// doctrine-dbal
cd doctrine-dbal
git submodule update --init

phpunit Tests

If you want to run the tests , please see the README file in the tests folder**

Enable the commands

There are a couple of useful commands to interact with the repository.

To use the console, copy cli-config.php.dist to cli-config.php and adjust it to use jackrabbit or doctrine dbal and configure the connection parameters. Then you can run the commands from the jackalope directory with ./bin/phpcr

NOTE: If you are using PHPCR inside of Symfony, the DoctrinePHPCRBundle provides the commands inside the normal Symfony console and you don't need to prepare anything special.

Jackalope specific commands:

  • jackalope:init:dbal: Initialize a database for jackalope with the Doctrine DBAL transport.
  • jackalope:run:jackrabbit [--jackrabbit_jar[="..."]] [start|stop|status]: Start and stop the Jackrabbit server

Commands available from the phpcr-utils:

  • phpcr:workspace:create <name>: Create the workspace name in the configured repository
  • phpcr:register-node-types --allow-update [cnd-file]: Register namespaces and node types from a "Compact Node Type Definition" .cnd file
  • phpcr:dump [--sys_nodes[="..."]] [--props[="..."]] [path]: Show the node names under the specified path. If you set sys_nodes=yes you will also see system nodes. If you set props=yes you will additionally see all properties of the dumped nodes.
  • phpcr:purge: Remove all content from the configured repository in the configured workspace
  • phpcr:sql2: Run a query in the JCR SQL2 language against the repository and dump the resulting rows to the console.


Jackalope relies on autoloading and the namespaces and folder structure follow PSR-0. Either set up your autoloading to find classes in the following folders or copy the autoload.jackrabbit.dist.php resp. autoload.dbal.dist.php file in src/ to autoload.php and adjust as needed.

If you checked out everything as submodules, the paths will be

  • src/
  • lib/phpcr/src
  • lib/phpcr-utils/src
  • lib/phpcr-utils/lib/vendor

Bootstrapping Jackrabbit

Minimalist sample code to get a PHPCR session with the jackrabbit backend.

$jackrabbit_url = '';
$user       = 'admin';
$pass       = 'admin';
$workspace  = 'default'; // to use a non-default workspace, you need to create it first. Until phpcr:workspace:create is supported for jackrabbit, see [test README]( for instructions.

$repository = \Jackalope\RepositoryFactoryJackrabbit::getRepository(array('jackalope.jackrabbit_uri' => 'http://localhost:8080/server'));
$credentials = new SimpleCredentials($user, $pass);
$session = $repository->login($credentials, $workspace);

Bootstrapping Doctrine DBAL

For Doctrine DBAL, you additionally need the doctrine repositories autoloaded. If you checked out as in the above instructions, those paths will be

  • lib/vendor/doctrine-dbal/lib
  • lib/vendor/doctrine-dbal/lib/vendor/doctrine-common/lib

Then you need to make sure the commands are set up (see above "Enable the commands") and run

bin/jackalope jackalope:init:dbal

To initialize jackalope in your application, you do

$driver   = 'pdo_mysql';
$host     = 'localhost';
$user     = 'root';
$password = '';
$database = 'jackalope';
$workspace  = 'default'; // to use a non-default workspace, you need to create it first. Just use the command phpcr:workspace:create

// Bootstrap Doctrine
$dbConn = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection(array(
    'driver'    => $driver,
    'host'      => $host,
    'user'      => $user,
    'password'  => $pass,
    'dbname'    => $database,

$repository = \Jackalope\RepositoryFactoryDoctrineDBAL::getRepository(array('jackalope.doctrine_dbal_connection' => $dbConn));
// dummy credentials, unused
$credentials = new \PHPCR\SimpleCredentials(null, null);
$session = $repository->login($credentials, $workspace);


The entry point is to create the repository factory. The factory specifies the storage backend as well. From this point on, there are no differences in the usage (except for supported features, that is).

// see Bootstrapping for how to get the session.

$rootNode = $session->getNode("/");
$whitewashing = $rootNode->addNode("www-whitewashing-de");

$posts = $whitewashing->addNode("posts");

$post = $posts->addNode("welcome-to-blog");
$post->setProperty("jcr:title", "Welcome to my Blog!");
$post->setProperty("jcr:description", "This is the first post on my blog! Do you like it?");


See PHPCR Tutorial for a more detailed tutorial on how to use the PHPCR API.

Implementation notes

See (doc/ for an introduction how Jackalope is built. Have a look at the source files and generate the phpdoc.


The best overview of what needs to be done are the functional test failures and skipped tests. Have a look at tests/inc/DoctrineDBALImplementationLoader.php resp. tests/inc/JackrabbitImplementationLoader.php to see what is currently not working and start hacking :-)

Some Doctrine DBAL notes

  • Implement moving nodes, DoctrineTransport::modeNode() (and make sure not to violate any constraints during the process)
  • Implement usage of NodeTypeDefintions to read/write validation and formatting data correctly (such as auto-creating values, forcing multi-values)
  • Implement storage of custom/user-defined NodeTypeDefinitions and such into the database.
  • Versioning support
  • Refactor storage to implement one one table per database type?
  • Optimize database storage more, using real ids and normalizing the uuids and paths?
  • Implement parser for JCR-SQL2 and implement it in DoctrineTransport::querySQL().
  • Implement parser for Jackrabbit CND syntax for node-type definitions.



Jackalope implementats PHPCR. This modular library contains bindings to store data with the doctrine DBAL or in the Jackrabbit JCR server part







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