A template for Grav projects to quickly get started.
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies
- Install Doppler
- Install SASS
- Configure secrets
- (opt) Auto Setup (to automatically install the dependencies and secrets after a pull)
Install the dependencies:
- Run IDE Task:
Install Dependencies
- Run in Terminal:
- doppler-cli
- scoop (Windows only)
scoop bucket add doppler https://github.com/DopplerHQ/scoop-doppler.git
scoop install doppler
(curl -Ls --tlsv1.2 --proto "=https" --retry 3 https://cli.doppler.com/install.sh || wget -t 3 -qO- https://cli.doppler.com/install.sh) | sudo sh
doppler login
npm install -g sass
- Doppler
- UNIX system
- (alternatively) git bash
doppler setup
If you pull the repo from GitHub, you can run the following command to automatically install the dependencies and secrets after a pull:
git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/
- UNIX system
- (alternatively) git bash
- Run the development server:
bin/grav server
- Open the site in your browser: http://localhost:8000
- edit site config (user/config/site.yaml)
- add sitemap.xml
- edit pages (user/pages)
- edit theme (user/themes/quark-child)
To update a branch with the latest changes, execute the update.sh