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VBA Excel Utilities

A series of small utility functions/subroutines that can be used to speed up tedious tasks, and improve workbook speed/size. Provided as .txt & .bas files

clear_conditional_formatting - Deletes all conditional formatting

Whilst conditional formats are a real time saver, they also tend to self-propagate when users copy data from one workbook to another (inadvertently copying the hidden conditional formatting as well), this can cause unexpected behaviour and contribute to workbook file size increases.

clear_formatting - Clears all cell formatting in a given workbook (excluding number formats)

Straightforward macro that loops through all sheets in a workbook removing cell formatting (colour, border, etc), leaves existing number format in place to avoid clearing date formats to numbers.

Macro contains options to adjust/remove conditional formatting & change cell alignment (commented out by default).

clear_non_default_styles - Deletes all non-default styles.

Non default styles can propagate through a workbook when there is a lot of copy/pasting between different workbooks. This in turn can lead to a increased file size and associated slowdown. "clear_non_default_styles" helps to eliminate one cause of slowdown.

delete_connections - Loops through a workbook and deletes all data-connections.

When importing files into excel (typically .csv) a connections is created, over time these can increase file size and slow performance.

delete_named_ranges - Loops through a workbook and deletes all named ranges.

Named ranges often build up in the background during day to day usage, this is made worst when using temporary formula/sheets to calculate results that are then hardcoded. This can over time increase file size and reduce overall performance deleting these ranges where they are not needed should improve performance.

display_window_features - Toggles features (Formula Bar, Scroll Bar, Status Bar & Ribbon)

Useful if you need to prevent a user tinkering with the way a workbook is displayed/operates

speed_up - Pre and post code subroutines that will generally speed up any macro

Turns off various excel features, such as screen updating and calculation to improve macro speed. Also includes a separate subroutine with a boolean argument toggle to control these features with one line of code.

factorial_calculator - Basic factorial calculator

A useful example subroutine to use when benchmarking or when testing different profiling tools.

simple_profiler - Provides a very simple timer

Useful for quick sense-check timings but not accurate enough for detailed analysis, can be used to hone in on problem areas of code that need refactoring/rewriting.


A Series Of Small Utility Functions & Subroutines








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