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A Drupal 8 module that allows you to programmically send emails configured in a UI.

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Send Emails

Requires developing experience

Have you ever wanted to send users an email, but didn't want to use Rules?

And wouldn't it be nice to have a user interface to be able to edit the said email? A user interface you could show non-technical users, instead of you updating it all the time?

Introducting Send Emails, a light-weight module that provides a UI to create & update emails and a service to send the emails:

\Drupal::service('send_emails.mail')->notifyUsersByRole( $notificationRole, $emailTemplate);

You can also include custom TWIG variables using:

$autoLoginLinkUrl = ''; // If an empty string, will use the "Url for Auto Login Link" in the User Interface
$replyToEmail = ''; // If an empty string, will use the "Reply To Email" in the User Interface
$twigVariables = []; // Additional Twig variables that can be accessed in the email template
\Drupal::service('send_emails.mail')->notifyUser($user, $emailTemplate, $autoLoginLinkUrl, $replyToEmail, $twigVariables);

See ./src/EmailApi.php for more functions and documentation


Here's how I use it in a custom module:

  1. Install the module using the normal process (see documentation)
  2. Create a new email
  3. Go to Configuation > Send Emails Configuation: /admin/config/send_emails/emails#edit-emails-definitions
  4. Define a new email using:
    director_private_notes | Send an email when a node "director_agendas" is created or updated and the "field_send_emails_notify" checkbox is checked
  5. Click "Save"
  6. The page should now have a new email that you can edit
  7. Add the below code to a custom module
  8. Flush the caches
function YOURMODULE_node_presave(Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity) {
  switch ($entity->bundle()) {
    case 'director_agendas':
      $notificationRole = 'testing';
      $emailTemplate = 'director_private_notes';
      if ($entity->hasField('field_send_emails_notify') && $entity->field_send_emails_notify->value == TRUE) {

          $result = \Drupal::service('send_emails.mail')->notifyUsersByRole( $notificationRole, $emailTemplate);

          $entity->set('field_send_emails_notify', FALSE);

          $lastNotificationTime =  \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($entity->changed->value, 'last_notified');
          $entity->set('field_send_emails_last_sent', 'Sent ' . $lastNotificationTime);

              t('%role have been notified', 
              ['%role' => ucfirst($notificationRole)])



Email Definitions

Email Fields:

  • Subject: Supports TWIG variables (see below). The subject of the email.
  • Reply To Email: the email used when replying to the email (Drupal forces using the site's email as the from address)
  • Body: Supports TWIG variables (see below). The HTML body of the email.
  • Url for Auto Login Link: the url used in to the {{ auto_login_link }} TWIG variable. Allows the user to access the url wile being automatically logged in.

TWIG Variables:

  • {{ name }} (e.g. username): the username of the user the email is being sent to or the name provided
  • {{ auto_login_link }}: a URL link string that automatically logs in the user
  • {{ site_name }}: the name of the site (defined in Basic Settings)
  • {{ site_front }}: url to the site's front page
  • {{ misc.time-raw }}: the UNIX timestamp
  • {{ misc.userEntity }}: the Drupal user entity (if it exists)

Other Links

  • You can edit email definitions with only the subject and body by going to: /admin/config/send_emails/emails/minimal/[email_template_machine_name]
  • You can manually send an email to users with a role by:
  1. Enabling the "Send Emails - Manual" submodule
  2. Going to: /admin/config/send_emails/manual/[email_template_machine_name]


A Drupal 8 module that allows you to programmically send emails configured in a UI.






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