TrackIt, is a WhatsApp tracker that monitors chat messages in selected chat, compares it with provided values and responds with supplied response.
This application is for private or educational purposes only. Do not use it on other people without their permission. I do not accept responsibility for banned accounts or penalties of any kind caused by the use of this bot. I would like to point out that using a bot violates the Terms and Conditions of Whatsapp. By using the bot, you automatically accept that you yourself are criminally responsible for yourself and you are aware that it violates the guidelines.
- Clone the Project:
$ git clone
. - Either clone it using above command or simply download zip & extract to your desired directory.
- Open Chrome => Go to settings => Extension => Toggle Developer mode on => Click on Load unpacked => select the cloned directory.
Thats all it takes!
- Open Whatsapp web.
- Open extension
- Select a contact or a group you would like to track.
- Enter keywords you want to look out for (seperated by a comma)
- Enter your desired responses (seperated by a comma)
- Then click on the Activate button
Yeah, you just added a tracker to that chat!
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MIT · GitHub @chyke007 · LinkedIn @chibuikenwachukwu