This project is a Node.js-based REST API server designed to handle stock management-related operations.
Stock Management API Documentation
Stock Management API
├── src
| ├── configs
| │ ├── dbConnection.js
| │ └── swagger.json
| ├── controllers
| │ ├── auth.js
| │ ├── brand.js
| │ ├── category.js
| │ ├── firm.js
| │ ├── product.js
| │ ├── purchase.js
| │ ├── sale.js
| │ ├── token.js
| │ └── user.js
| ├── helpers
| │ ├── dateToLocaleString.js
| │ ├── passwordEncrypt.js
| │ ├── sendMail.js
| │ └── sync.js
| ├── middlewares
| │ ├── authentication.js
| │ ├── errorHandler.js
| │ ├── findSearchSortPage.js
| │ ├── logger.js
| │ ├── permissions.js
| │ └── upload.js
| ├── models
| │ ├── brand.js
| │ ├── category.js
| │ ├── firm.js
| │ ├── product.js
| │ ├── purchase.js
| │ ├── sale.js
| │ ├── token.js
| │ └── user.js
| ├── routes
| │ ├── auth.js
| │ ├── brand.js
| │ ├── category.js
| │ ├── document.js
| │ ├── firm.js
| │ ├── index.js
| │ ├── product.js
| │ ├── purchase.js
| │ ├── sale.js
| │ ├── token.js
| │ └── user.js
├── index.js
├── pacgake-lock.json
├── pacgake.json
└── swaggerAutogen.js
- Express.js: A fast and minimal web framework used for API routing and handling HTTP request/response operations in this project.
- Mongoose: An Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB used to create models and simplify database operations.
- JWT (JSON Web Token): Used for user authentication and authorization, allowing users to authenticate and make authorized API requests.
- Swagger UI Express: Utilized to automatically generate and visualize API documentation, enabling users to easily view the API endpoints.
- Cors: Employed to solve Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) issues, allowing requests from different origins to access the API.
- Dotenv: Used to load and utilize environment variables, especially for storing sensitive data such as database connection information.
- Nodemailer: Utilized for sending emails, particularly for sending verification emails to users after registration.
- Clone the project to your computer:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd StockAPI
- Install the necessary dependencies:
npm install
- Connect your database or set up your local database. Update the
file with the required environment variables, such asMONGODB_URI
for MongoDB connection." - Start the application:
npm run start
- You can access the API at
For more information about all the endpoints and how to use them, you can access the Swagger UI.
Contributions to this project are welcome! If you find a bug or want to add a feature, please open a pull request or create an issue.
This project is licensed under the ISC License. See the LICENSE file for more information.