L1 jet corrections derived using root tuples
Step 1: Making tuples with OffsetTreeMaker.cc
for Data:
a) extract corresponding json pileup from this site:
b) Convert json pileup format to ASCII using JSONtoASCII.py "pileup_latest.txt
c) modify plugins/parsePileUpJSON2.h with corresponding pileup json accordingly
d) add global tags to run_offset.py
e) process entire sample using crab_run_offset.py
for MC:
repeat above with skipping steps a), b), c)
step 2: after making ntuples we process them using histomaker.cc:
for data:
nohup histomaker false 0.4(0.8) data.root
for MC:
nohup histomaker true 0.4(0.8) data.root mc.root (data.root is the file that you reweight wrt)
step3: pick a range of pileup to process samples: e.g. (10,30)
a) root -l -b -q 'offsetpT.c (10,30,30,30)'
(pick all and chs)
b) root -l -b -q 'scalefactor.c ("all",10,30)' and root -l -b -q 'scalefactor.c ("chs",10,30)'
c) root -l -b -q 'l1fastjet.c("all")' and root -l -b -q 'l1fastjet.c("chs")'
step4: for stack plots use following macro: offsetpT_stack.c