In this release:
- update core ckan from 2.9.3 to 2.9.5
- add support for individual and organization URI's such as ROR, ORCID, wikidata
- merge contacts into one list on the dataset read page
- add project keyword type to allow populating a project facet
- fix ckan spatial harvester, which now works with py3, and move into cioos_harvest repo. This once again allows harvesting of datasets that overlap with a given geojson polygon
- some GUI redesign on the dataset read page to make better use of the available space
- update jsonld output to meet dataone harvest requirements (add version and identifier)
- clicking on a resource on the dataset page now takes you directly to the resource rather then the overview page
- allow commas and semicolons in keywords
- just general content width to match Wordpress pages
- add 'menu' click command to sync Wordpress menu's to ckan site
- merge in Atlantic theme changes
- fix action in fluent tags template
- add edition to citation harvest
- adjust XPath for individuals to capture cases when the contact list contains a mix of persons associated with an organization and not. previously one case would be harvested and the other would be skipped if mixed.
- Allow individuals' names to be submitted in 'lastname, given names' format. This will allow for last names with spaces.
- unescape multi-escaped unicode during harvest, even if a field contains a unicode with a mix of escape levels
- some other stuff I have likely forgotten.
- add config settings
- g.site_heading to set title heading on main page (bilingual dictionary)
example:{"fr": "Catalogue de donn\u00e9es <span>SIOOC Atlantique</span>", "en": "<span>CIOOS</span> Atlantic Data Catalogue"}
- g.show_language_picker_in_top_bar to show/hide language picker in top bar of all pages (boolean string default to 'true)
- g.show_language_picker_in_menu to show/hide language picker in menu of all pages (boolean string default to 'true')
- g.site_heading to set title heading on main page (bilingual dictionary)
- update default values for progress and frequency-of-update so they don't overwrite existing values
- add or update some organisation logos
- add Atlantic themed eov icons (red?)
- add more/less buttons to dataset descriptions to hide long descriptions. initially loads showing the whole description
- add wasRevisionOf field to profile output to when a doi is added to a dataset. this will help indicate that a metadata record should be replaced in catalogues that harvest from CIOOS
Docker Image: cioos/ckan:cioos-1.2