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Kármán API

Just a codename.

The Kármán line, or Karman line, lies at an altitude of 100 km (62 mi; 330,000 ft) above Earth's sea level and commonly represents the boundary between Earth's atmosphere and outer space.


Note: This project, 1% finished. It's in a very early development phase so expect drama.

A local government CMS API, built on a modern stack, with a focus on migrating tedious offline processes online.


Coming soon


  • Redis
  • Node
  • yarn
  • Typescript
  • postgres

Install locally

$> git clone
$> cd apulum-graphql-api
$> yarn

Note that at the moment, due to the fact that we're staging on Heroku, the install step also builds the app.


$> cp .env_sample .env 
$> vim .env // see the Heroku section
$> vim ormconfig.json // TypeORM configuration

The only recommended config values for development are:

FRONTEND_HOST=YOUR_HOST  # probably http://localhost:3000

Run locally

$> yarn dev 

This is just the backend API, but it comes with a GraphQL playground at https://localhost:4000.


Tests are written with Jest, you'll find them in __tests__ folders or names foo.test.ts.

$> yarn test

You can check out Jest for more options, such as coverage, etc.

NOTE: There's currently a requirement for tests to run synchronously due to some interference with session data, which slows down testing time quite a bit. Looking to get this fixed soon.

GraphQL Schemas

Add schemas in the src/modules folder (create a new module if it's a completely new type). The module split is convention based, not enforced.

Each module should contain a schema.graphql and a resolvers.ts. These are stitched together at runtime. In order to enable Typescript typings for the schema, run

$> yarn gen-schema-types

This will update src/types/schema.d.ts file with the new schema definitions.

There's also a shared schema in src/shared.graphql. This should only contain global types.

Note: There's a bug in graphql-yoga at the moment which prevents schema files from skipping the Query type, which is why some of the schemas have a dummy Query type in place.

Deploying on Heroku

If you want to run this on Heroku, you'll need the following add-ons:

  • Heroku Postgres
  • Heroku Redis
  • SendGrid (used for sending emails on registration)

Make sure you have the following environment vars setup:


# Heroku will set the following, don't touch

# The following need to be "extracted" from the DATABASE_URL var that Heroku sets for you

And you should be set!

Deploying somewhere else

Deploying somewhere else (AWS, DigitalOcean, toaster) will be a similar process to the Heroku setup:

Install postgres and redis You can also use a remotely-hosted version of these two, if that's what you prefer.

Environment variables Configuration options are set in environment variables. By default we support .env so you can just copy the Heroku variables list above and you're good to go.

Note that you won't need SENDGRID_PASSWORD and SENDGRID_USERNAME, just an API key. Get that from their site. If you installed redis locally, you won't need to add the REDIS_URL variable.

Build and run Last step, building and running the project.

$> git clone
$> cd apulum-graphql-api && yarn && yarn start

The postinstall step builds the .ts files and copies static assets (*.graphql files) to the dist. The start script simply runs index.js from the dist folder.

Depending on your workflow, you should be able to use this to deploy. Please feel free to write automation for this.

Known issues

(node:21536) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: QueryFailedError: function uuid_generate_v4() does not exist

$ sudo -u postgres psql
psql (10.4 (Ubuntu 10.4-0ubuntu0.18.04))
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \c apulum-graphql-api
You are now connected to database "apulum-graphql-api" as user "postgres".
apulum-graphql-api=# CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";
apulum-graphql-api=# \q

Note that you probably will need to install the extension for the test db as well.

Error running tsc or yarn run build-ts:

src/types/schema.d.ts(147,2): error TS1036: Statements are not allowed in ambient contexts.

There's a problem with the script that generates the typings for the graphql schemas, it adds an unnecessary semicolon following enum declarations. Remove them and you're good to go.

Made with ❤️ & ☕ by CivicTech România